Chapter 3

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When I say Roger isn't trying to keep this relationship subtle, that's a huge understatement. I'm still ecstatic over last night and now he comes up to me which he has never done before.

"Hey babe," he leans against the locker. "You ready for music class?"
"Mmhmm just two seconds I need to get my books."

My friend Sarah pulls me to the side, "Hold up honey, you realise what just happened, Roger Taylor came up and talked to you. Wait, Roger Taylor called you babe. Oh. My. God. YOU'RE GOING OUT WITH ROGER TAYLOR. HOLY SHIT. HOW?!?!? WHEN?!?!?!? WHY?!?!?!?"

"Ok I have to go to music but I'll text you all the deets."

I turn back around to face Roger who laughs at the look on Sarah's face. He then takes my hand and start walking away. Hollllyyyy shit, Roger Taylor is holding my hand, I can't believe this. Ok Holly, calm, think happy thoughts. Whew back to normal.

"You're ok with me holding your hand, right?"  
"Mmhmm, of course."   
"Good because I really like you and I don't want to have to hide my feelings for you."    

I stop dead in my tracks, "You really like me?"  I can barely get the words out of mouth and they're just a whisper even so.     " Well yeah," (Oh my god he's blushing.)    "I've liked you for years, like, since I met you. You just amazed me, how talented and beautiful you are."  
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Well, I guess I as scared yano? Scared you'd turn me down or something but it turned out better then I expected."
"Come here," I say as I pull my arms around his shoulders. "I really like you too." And I pull him in for a kiss not caring who sees. "Wow, that just made my day." He whispers putting his forehead against mine, "Mine too."

We spend the day chatting in every class and I feel like I've known him for years.

He walks me home and of course my mom was being a peeping tom and as soon as she sees him, invites him inside. We sit down at the kitchen table drinking tea while my mom and dad are quizzing him, leaving on a very happy note of "If you hurt my daughter I will kill you, and let me tell you buddy, I'm not joking" and my mom chiming in with "You van go up to your room if you like just don't do anything crude!!"

We go up to my room and lay down on the bed, it was bliss. At one point he just turned on his side to face me and just kissed me. It was so soft and light I barely felt it. All I know is that I'm in love, and that love will never fade.

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