Chapter 6

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Being Watched

Chapter 6

The rest of the week passes slowly but at least I don’t spend another break on my own. Of course I feel like an outsider many times but it’s not as bad anymore or I’m just getting used to it.

I call my best friends every day and I even had the chance to talk to several other friends at my old school. Talking to people from my old school always makes me feel better but afterwards I feel the familiar homesickness.

I jump slightly when my phone vibrates on my stomach. I’m lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling so I grab my cell phone, raising it above my head and read the message I got from Gavin.

He sent me his address and said to be there at seven. I glance at the top of my iPhone and see that it’s still four o'clock. I lock my phone and put it next to my pillow before closing my eyes to take a nap.

When I wake up it’s already five thirty so I take a shower and get dressed in jeans and a comfortable white hoodie. I then walk downstairs and find my mom preparing dinner and my dad watching TV.

I had already told them that I’m going to Gavin’s today. They were a bit reluctant at first because I wanted to go to a guy’s house and stay there overnight. They were right. I mean sure I used to spend a lot of nights at John’s or Jack’s house but that was different. They knew them and their parents very well.

But luckily, when I told them his family name, they discovered that his parents were their co-workers and they were good people so after some convincing, they let me go.

“Dad, can you drive me to Gavin’s house?” I ask.

“Sure,” he replies before putting on his shoes and grabbing his keys.

I put my cell phone and money in my jeans pocket and take the three DVDs I chose and follow dad to his car.

On our way there he keeps on telling me to call him if I need anything or if I want to go back home. I nod and promise him to call if I need him.

“Thanks dad!” I call out as I step out of the car.

I look up at the cute two-story building in front of me. I walk up the two steps and ring the doorbell. A few seconds later, the door opens and a small white dog comes running outside. I quickly lean down and scoop her in my arms.

She barks softly and I rub her neck. She starts licking my cheek, making me laugh.

“Hey,” Gavin says. “Sorry about that. Maggie just likes greeting the guests.”

“It’s okay,” I say, chuckling as I walk inside. “My best friend back home had a dog that used to do the same thing.”

I smile slightly when I remember Roger, John’s dog. He got him a few years ago. I was so scared of him at first but now I adore him!

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