Chapter 4

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Lori couldn't believe she had those dreams almost every night. And every morning she got to work she would have a bouquet of flowers waiting for her with something sweet written on the card. Each time she sent them a message telling them thank you.

Today though they were going to go for a run. Lori had just finished putting on her shoes when Jace knocked on the door. She opened it and saw Allen was holding the leash of a golden retriever. "Pretty puppy," Lori said crouching down to pet the dog. "This is Ranger," Allen told her as the dog licked her cheek. She grabbed Pixie's leash and attached it to her collar. The dogs sniffed each other excitedly before they left for their run. The ran down the running trails in the park for a little while and Lori enjoyed that she didnt run alone.

When they stopped for a break they let the dogs off of the leashes to let them play for a bit. That was when they noticed the paparazzi. Allen's jaw clenched, "Just one freaking day. That's all I wanted." Lori hated the cameras pointed at her. She began to feel her anxiety begin to rise. She jumped when she felt something cold on her thigh. It was Pixie touching her with her nose. Jace put an arm around her waist, "Let's go back." She nodded, but couldn't say anything. The cameras followed them, and she hated it. Once inside her apartment Allen pulled her into his arms when he saw she was shaking. "I'm so sorry Lori," he whispered to her. "Focus on your breathing Princess." She tucked her face into his chest and did as he said. She noted that even through his sweat she could still smell a hint of his cologne.

When she was calmed down he let her go and looked her over, "Are you okay?" She nodded, "I'm fine." Jace then came in with a duffel bag, "Those flies are everywhere. I think it's best we dont go to the gym today." Lori nodded in agreement, "I think I'm gonna go take a shower."

She began walking towards the bathroom but Pixie ushered her to the kitchen, nipping her until Lori listened. Pixie then sat in the doorway and waited for Lori to take her meds for her anxiety out of the cabinet. Ranger sat next to Pixie, not sure what he was doing, but he was gonna do it. Psycho sat on the counter purring next to the pill bottle. Jace and Allen watched her and Pixie. Once Lori took them Pixie stood up while wagging her tail. This time Pixie didnt stop her from going to take a shower.

Jace read the pill bottle, "They're for anxiety. She has to take them if she is about to go into an anxiety attack." Allen scratched Pixie behind her ears, "Good girl." Pixie wagged her tail happily. Ranger whined feeling jealous and wanted attention too. Jace and Allen chuckled then sat on the couch and the dogs joined them. Psycho went to his cat scratch post that had a shelf at the top that let him overlook the entire apartment.

Lori came out of the bathroom in a pair of Sylvester pajama bottoms and red long sleeve shirt. "Do you mind if we use your shower," Allen asked her. She nodded, "Go ahead, it's a little small though."

Allen nodded and grabbed the duffle bag before going into the bathroom. "Are you okay," Jace asked her. She nodded, "I'm fine." She sat on the couch with her feet under her. After Allen had his shower, Jace had one. "I want to warn you, what the media may say about you," Allen began once Jace was in there. "That I'm the latest woman in your BDSM polygamy relationship," She asked them. Jace ran a hand through his damp hair, "So you already know?" She nodded, "A coworker sent me an email earlier in the week with all of the articles, and claimed that I'm a slut because she, and many others I work with think I'm with you both." Jace sighed, "As much as we would love for that to be true, why didn't you tell us?" "And didn't I tell you to let me know if anyone said anything bad to you," Allen threw in. Lori was still hung up on the first part of what Jace had said, "Wait what?"

Allen sighed and nodded, "We understand it maybe intimidating and if it makes you uncomfortable we understand as well, and we'll leave you alone-" She cut him off, "No, it's okay. It doesn't make me uncomfortable at all. It's strange yes, but that's because I've never had a relationship before so anything involving dating or other things like that is uncharted territory for me." She gave them a small smile, "I enjoy spending time with you both. I don't feel as scared when I'm around you." They gave her bright smiles. She had to admit, her dreams had her realize she did have a slight crush on them, but that was something she was going to keep to herself.

"Then I hope you don't mind if we try to convince you to be ours," Allen said to her. Her face was crimson, but she didn't object. Instead she had a small smile on her lips, that made them smile and sit on either side of her on the couch. They spent the day watching TV and eating take out, not wanting to leave the apartment in case the paparazzi were still out and about. It wasn't until almost eight at night when the paparazzi gave up getting anything today. Lori had forgotten how relentless they could be when they wanted something. She remembered how they always swarmed her family growing up. She hated it so much. She didn't blame Allen though. He didn't greet them with smiles and open arms like her parents did. Instead he tried to get away from it. It showed her that he didn't care about fame. He probably didn't even think it would lead to him becoming famous when he first became CEO of Plexdom but the media realized he was the world's youngest business owner and he has done nothing but grow an empire all before the age of thirty. She just prays that she isn't alone next time the paparazzi come by. She also hopes it doesn't interfere with whatever they had planned to get her to become theirs. She was nervous yet excited. She would just have to wait and see.

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