Briscoe County, Texas

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Part 1

"The name written on her forehead was a mystery: Babylon the Great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the Earth."

Rossi POV

"Hello my fine furry friends, Sheriff Peter Coleman over in Briscoe County, Texas has sent over a case that he would like us to look at. Abigail Jones was found in a dumpster last night with rope burns on her wrists and lacerations all over her back, as well as a gunshot to the back of her head. The first victim, Hannah Kelly was found six months ago in another jurisdiction with similar wounds."

Reid pointed out how the M.O. of the two different cuts were conflicting with each other, "She was restrained which shows sexual sadism, but the execution style gunshot is unlike most sadists, it ends their suffering too quickly."

"We'll learn more once we get there," Hotch told the team, "Wheels up in 30."

~On the plane~

"It just doesn't make sense. What kind of sadist wants to end his victims torture that fast?" Derek asked.

"Well, there is always the possibility that he isn't a sadist at all" Alex added

"All the vics were prostitutes, he could be some kind of vigilante trying to clean up the streets."

"Morgan and Reid I want you guys to talk to whoever was working the streets that night. Dave and Blake, you guys will go see what the coroner has to say. JJ and I will head to the station."

As soon as I heard that I would be going with Alex I looked up and was surprised to see that she was already smiling at me from above her folder. After having drinks with Hotch the other night, this must be his was of trying to get us to talk to each other. He's not the greatest wingman, but he does have his moments.


As JJ and Hotch walked into the station, they were greeted by some very eager officers who were ready to help. Abigail Jones' sister, Carrie was already there waiting so JJ went  to talk to her. She didn't have much to say, but she did point out that in their last phone call, Abigail apologized for everything.

While Hotch was going over the case with the sheriff, Reid and Morgan went over to the only bar in town to talk to some of the locals. While talking to some of the people there, one of the girls mentioned that the last person who might have seen her was someone who goes by the name Mack the Knife.


The car ride over to the coroners was quiet, but it was a comfortable quiet. Neither of us felt the need to say anything. When we finally arrived, we both just sat there for a moment enjoying the silence. The sun was hitting her just right and I could have sworn she looked just like an angel. I wish we could have more moments like this, but quit isn't really part of the job description.

When we walked in we could immediately tell that this coroner wasn't going to be much help. "Were you able to find any traces of drugs in the autopsy or tox screen?" Alex asked

"Oh, well I didn't order any of that. She was killed from a gunshot to the head. What else is there to know?"

We fell silent for a minute not really knowing what to say. If it was possible I think we left there with less information than we walked in with. We had the bodies of the other victims dug up so that we could go over what the coroner didn't.

Alex POV

While we were giving the profile to the station, we got a call that another body was found,  Tabitha Ryerson was found in the park with the same M.O. as the others. While Garcia was going through her information, she saw that Tabitha was waiting for a payment to come in from a MTK. This eventually led us to Principal McIntyre. Rossi and I were sent over to the school to speak with him.

As much as I love spending all this time with Rossi, I wish we could do it outside of work. Both of us are always busy with work and part of me is nervous about what would happen. When I'm with him, even if it's a few minutes in the car my mind goes and if it was just the two of us alone, who knows what might happen.

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