Chap.8 Yes it's true!

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I jumped out of my sleep hearing the terrible screams of a dying animal I then realised that the dying animal was my child. I also realised that there was someone beating down my door.

“Amelia!!! Amelia!!!” I heard someone saying while breaking down the door from its hinges.

I felt normal......I felt as how anyone would have felt if someone was breaking their door down at 2:00 in the morning while screaming their name.

My body shivered as it meets the cold air above my sheets and I mentally cried
I quickly took Chris out of his crib and tried soothing him which worked a little.
I was reminded that some crazy person was at the door when I heard another round of screams of my name and the sound of the door almost breaking apart.

“Who is it?” I asked. I’m 100% sure that it was not audible to the person on the opposite side of the door heck I barely heard it myself.
“Open the door I know your there?"  The unknown voice yelled as feelings of fear crept up my spine.

“Who is it!?” I found the courage to say louder”
“It’s me.”, the person replied.

Okay ‘me' come in I wanted to say to the person. How am I supposed to know who ‘me' was but I was too frightened to do so.

Somehow I was not able to stop my hands from opening the door with the key and turning the knob on the door.

I took a deep breath of relief when I saw it was Blake and not a killer.

Although that wasn’t better considering the fact that he was a kidnapper.

Before I could ask him what he was doing here he walked briskly toward me, afraid he was going to trample over me I stepped back.

His actions made me angry but it was hard to stay angry because of how close he was to me though, on the inside I was freaking out and I lost control of my eyes when they started to linger on his lips, looking at his made me run my tongue over mine.
I literally shook my head to come from under his spell and then looked him in the eyes he looked as if he didn’t realised what I did, thank God.

He also looked exhausted.

“You didn’t mean it right?” he asked. The way he looked at me staring into my eyes, his tired eyes begging for an answer. Somehow I wanted to kiss him he looked so innocent and vulnerable not the bad annoying Blake I am use to, he looked cute and I loved it.

I didn’t know what to reply because I honestly didn’t know what he was talking about.

“What do you mean?”

“About what you said yesterday about hating me more every time you see me?”

He continued “I spent the whole night repeating those words in my head and the more I hear them the more they hurt.”

I think there is something wrong with me I must have a hormone unbalance because every word he says is turning me on and I have a hard time controlling it.

“Uhhmmm….. i ahhmmm I di-“ I mumbled
“Your scent is distracting me …. I can’t focus if you have an arousal”

He stared at me but this time it was different, his eyes weren’t exhausted but they
stared at my every move intensively, they stared at me hungrily and it was making me even more aroused.

I licked my lips slowly which I didn’t do intentionally.

He growled and stepped closer to me, my grip tightened on Chris the next thing I know his lips were on mine kissing me and I just stood there not kissing him back but wanting to… I really, really wanted to .
I could tell he was getting frustrated because he was using his hands to pull me closer to him. I just stood there like an inexperienced teenager.

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