CH.9 Sweet of you

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I pulled up in the company's parking lot with 'Act like you love me' by
Shawn Mendes playing and me singing word for word. I parked in my
reserved spot, you know since I'm the vice president and all. I took my
seat belt off and I exited the car while taking a deep breath as if I'm
preparing myself for the hard work day ahead of me.
I put my heels on and then opened the car door to the back seat where I
took out my hand bag "how did you get there?" I said to myself after
seeing some files on the floor putting them in my bag then closed my
"Hello sexy" a voice said while his hands wrap tightly around my waist.
"Did you miss me?" he asked in that –im-so sexy kind of tone, I
immediately knew who it was Michael.
"Of course I did." I said while unwrapping his strong arms from around
me. "After all we are friends." I continued then walked towards the
elevator with him following behind
"Wow you really know how to hurt someone." He replied with his
dramatic self. "Using that "Friend" word so often" he continued stressing
the word 'friend' saying it as if it disgusted him.
We entered the elevator together with him casually pressing the button
for the 19 floor where we both worked.
I laughed lightly.
"I know you want us to be more than friends..."
"When did I ..."
"Shhhh..." He said shutting me up while putting his index finger is in
front of my lip not touching them though cause he knows better than that
and learns from his mistakes.
"Its fine... you don't have to hide it lets make it official right here, right
now, making God our only witness." He demanded while puffing his
chest out as if he was a super hero or something like that.

"Yeah, your right you know I would if I didn't make it official with Jason
the other day. Sigh." I replied trying not to laugh at his facial expression
as I played along.
His face change completely, he looked as if I told him a dirty word or the
secret to unlock a girl's heart, his eyes were wide open
"What!! I can't believe he stole you from me" he was trying to sound hurt
but failed his acting skills needed to improve.
I laughed harder.
"You had to have me from the beginning for me to be stolen from you." I
muttered in between laughs.
I love this guy I can always count on him to make my day no matter how
down I am he always bring a smile to my face and for that I love him.
He's the best male friend I could ever ask for.
"You know you keep on hurting my feeling." He tried to sound hurt but
failed I think it's because he was kind of happy about Jason and I but
knowing him he wouldn't say it not directly anyways.
"I'm sorry never gonna do that again you know I love you." I told him
while giving him a long tight hug and a kiss on the cheek, trying to butter
him up.
"Of course you do I'm the only one that can stand you." He laughed and
I squeezed him hard taking the air out his lungs.
"I'm kidding I love you too geeze I said it, let me go before you kill me."
He stated before I released him. "If Jason doesn't work out just know I'm
here ready to take his place" he continued after he regain his
I smiled "I'll keep that in mind."
"Oh before I" I stretched out my hand handing him a slice
of cake in foil paper that I took from my bag.
He took it from me and said thanks with his eyes looking at it greedily.
"Baked it this morning when I couldn't sleep."
The elevator door opened with a ding immediately after I said that.
We walked out together.

"I'll see you later I'm gonna devour this cake and remember what I told
you" Michael said while walking in the opposite direction with a smile on
his face.
"You go do that and you'll be the first person I'll call if that happens
which it won't." I shouted back at him using hand gestures.
I made my way to my office. But there was something different Monica
was giving me her usual glare but this one was different more intensive.
I really don't know why she hates me I think it's because I got the
promotion instead of her, I also heard that she had a thing for Michael
and Michael and I are close and well he doesn't really like her like that
although I refuse to believe that's the reason.
The thing is I don't hate her I actually like her it's just that I refuse to be
bullied by her, she was actually pretty nice to me when I first came but
then after a month or so started insulting me for no reason..... well none
that I know of and then I told her off in front of everyone when I got sick
and tired of it.
When she saw me looking at her she looked away. But it wasn't just her,
everyone was looking at me expectantly as if they were waiting for
something to happen a ticking boom maybe. Yes, they all said their
usually good mornings but then started whispering to each other it made
me uneasy so I walked faster to my office.
As I made my way closer to my office I saw them on the floor, Rose
White Rose petals and Red Rose petals.
I hated them.
The closer I got to my office door the more there were and the more I
became curious and nervous.
"Oh shit!" I was annoyed "Not this crap again."
There he was, looking at me in a well fitted royal blue tux and a nervous
smile on his face with a bouquet of roses in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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