Chapter 1: well that just happened

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"MEDIC!" Sniper called out
No answer
"MEDIC!" He called out again
No answer...again
"LUDWIG! GET UP YE BLOODY WANKER!!" He calls out and smacks him
Medic shots up and starts panicking before remembering where he is
Sniper smirked and looked at him
"i made ya breakfast! Eat it before I give it to our new pet!"
He hands Medic a pbj sandwich
"Danke...vait- our new pet??"
Sniper nods
"While you were snoozin, i caught us a weird looking horse!"
Medic takes a bite out of the sandwich
It tasted worse than the bases cafeteria food
"in Ordnung...Vhat kind of horse?"
He gets up
Sniper walks out of the tent so medic can get changed
"Well, it's a strange one, it has a human like's face looks kind of moans every five seconds.. really weird am i right?"
Medic walks out of the tent,wearing his uniform,his expression full of terror
"Herr Sniper zhats not a horse! Zhats a man vith a horse mask!"
Sniper froze
"....shit" he thought to himself
Medic runs towards Sniper's tent to find the man with the horse mask tied up like an actual horse
Sniper followed
He was absolutely full of regret right now
How the fuck can someone confuse a human being that is wearing a horse mask with a bloody horse?!
We'll never know
Medic untied the poor man and left him to run away
Sniper sat down and put his hands on his face
Medic sat besides him and comforted him
"Don't be so upset about zhis, it's fine! Mistakes happen!"
Sniper looked at him
"i'm not upset about the man! i'm upset because he took the sandwich i made for you with him!"
Medic rolled his eyes and got up
"Come on Dummkopf...lets go explore zhe woods"
Sniper stood up
Medic groaned
"If we're gonna live here for two months, ve have to at least know zhe environment ve live in!"
Sniper looked down and sighed
"Oh... right.."
Medic patted his back and smiled
"Lets go meine Freund!"
Sniper nodded and smiled a bit
The two got out of the tent and explored the woods
Immediately forgetting what happened that morning
They climbed trees
Swam in a nice clean lake
And fought a gigantic bear
After their little adventure they went back to the camp
Lit up the camp fire
Told some SpOoPy ghost stories
Merasmus came by, almost killing them both
They surprisingly survived which is a good thing
Nighttime hit quickly and both of them had to go to sleep so a new and better day would come
They said their good nights and went to their separate tents
"Guten Nacht"

~Camping is fun! (Team Fortress 2, Bushmedicine fan fic)(Red!Sniper x Blu!Medic)Where stories live. Discover now