Chapter 5: feelings

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Sniper was in his tent
Medic went to get supplies because they were running out
The Bushman has enough time to discover his feelings for the medic
What did he feel for him really?
Was it inspiration? Nah
Was it amazement? Kind of
Was it love? Definitely
Sniper rethinked and rethinked over and over
Just to come to the same conclusion
He fell for the medic
And he fell hard too
But he couldn't be with him
Even if he wanted to
Because he's blu
He's from the enemy team
The doctor would probably hate Sniper if he told him his feelings
That's why he decided to hide it until he felt the moment was right
Which is god knows when that is
He wanted to do stuff to the medic
Not only lewd( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) stuff but sweet and nice that would make the doctor happy
Sniper decided to write a letter
"Dear Ludwig-"
He threw the first one away
"Dearest Doctor-"
He threw the second one away
He kept throwing paper balls away
though one survived
He had written on that one
"Wanna go out with me?"
"Yes           No          Absolutely"
He blushed deeply and hid it in his vest
"I'm sure this will not end well...but it's worth a try I guess"
He waited for the Medic to come back
He waited
He's still waiting at this point so why don't you beautiful readers go get something to drink or to eat?

After a few hours the medic arrived
Sniper tensed up like an excited dog
He walked out of his tent and faced the übermensch
"Vhat is it Herr Mundee?" Medic looked up at him straight in the eyes
Sniper blushed deeply
"Well, I just wanted t'give you a hug for uh...taking care of me!"
Medic smiled brightly
"Oh Gut!! I needed a hug anyvays!"
Sniper hugged medic
Medic hugged back
A nice passionate moment was going on between the two
Sniper took the paper from his vest and slipped it in Medic's pocket unnoticeably
They pulled away
"Zhat vas amazing Mundee! Ve should hug more often!"
Medic laughed
The Aussie nodded and started laughing with him
After a nice while of laughter, Medic cooked up a nice healthy snack for the night
Sniper loved Medics food, it was unlike anything he had ever eaten
They both went into their tents
Sniper was getting undressed, laid down on his bed
The German was taking off his clothes when he noticed a little folded paper fall out of his pocket
"Hmm..? Vhats zhis..?"
He picked it up, unfolded it then read it
He blushed deeply
He picked up a pen and circled "absolutely"
After he did that, he laid on his bed in a good mood and slept

~Camping is fun! (Team Fortress 2, Bushmedicine fan fic)(Red!Sniper x Blu!Medic)Where stories live. Discover now