Chapter 6: the paper

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Medic felt confident about telling Sniper about the paper
He was always confident about these things
But he did have small glance of nervousness
"Did he actually mean vat he wrote??"
"Maybe it vas meant for zhe ozher medic"
"Maybe he actually doesn't like me"
He was caught up in his thoughts
His confidence dropped to zero
He soon started to rethink about giving the Bushman the little paper
Soon enough, the German looked at the fire and threw the little paper inside
With a broken heart and a knot in his neck he ran back into his tent
Leaving the Australian that just got out of his own tent confused
"Ludwig!" He called out to the nurse
No answer
"Medic!" He called out again
No answer
"NURSE FOR FUCKS SAKE GET OUT OF THERE AND TELL ME WHATS BOTHERING YE!" He called out once again, clearly frustrated
The medic got out and walked up to him
"Herr Mundee?" He looked up at him, his eyes red from crying
"L-Ludwig! What's wrong mate?!"
Sniper held Medics hands tightly
"Do you really wanna go out vizh me..?"
The Aussie blushes deeply
"Um, I mean- uh-"
Sniper stuttered a lot
Medic took his hands back and the ran off into the unknown
"Nurse wait!!"

To be continued

~Camping is fun! (Team Fortress 2, Bushmedicine fan fic)(Red!Sniper x Blu!Medic)Where stories live. Discover now