3:: Healing

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Chapter3 :: 05.03.2019

Dr. Khushi came in to treat the Kid.
"Hai Dear"

Aarush smiled between his sobs.

"What happened to you? Oh, you got hurt?" She said inspecting his wound.

"Hmm, it's a small cut. All this red liquid is just to frighten you. But you are a brave boy. Aren't you?" Khushi said examining his wounds. She wiped his tears with a tissue.

She turned to the sister.

"Sister, clean his wound. And be careful okay."

"Yes, doctor." The sister said smiling at the new doctor.

Khushi was about to move away to give the sister way, but Arush held her hands.
"Will you do it?"

"Hey champ, she is a nice aunty. She has magic in her hands. You will not feel any pain." Khushi said assuring him.

"Please Khushi." He pleads with his innocent eyes.

Giving in to his request Khushi took the cotton and iodine to clean his wounds herself.

Sister looked at the sight before her. From the time Doc. Khushi, the young bubbly girl joined the hospital 6 months back, assist Khushi. None can escape Khushi's charm.  It's not the first time the sister noticed how especially the kids prefer to get the treatment solely from Dr. Khushi.

Arush hissed when Khushi dapped the wound with iodine.

"It's nothing. Shh champ. Just a few more minutes."

Khushi consoled Arush occasionally blowing air to the wound.

"By the way, you didn't tell me your name."

"Arush." He said in a small voice.

"That's a sweet name you have." Khushi smiled in appreciation.

"Tell me about you. You don't mind it. Do you?"

"I am Arush Singh Raizada."

Hearing the name another voice echoed in her ear. It yelled "ARNAV SINGH RAIZADAAAA!!!" It was her own. After that, she heard his laughter. Her hands came to halt. She looked at Arush's face. She shook her head shaking out the memories.

"I am seven years old. I study in std 2, in TVI school." Arush continued.

She distracted Arush pulling him into a small conversation while she worked on his wound.

"There you go." She said bandaging his cut.
Then she stepped back letting the sister clean up the place.
The sister gave him a glass of glucose. He drank it in a go.

"One more glass?"  Khushi asked.

He shook his head in no wiping his mouth.
Khushi took a tissue and gave him.

"Ok then. You will be better in a day or two. Take care till then okay Arush?" She patted his cheeks.

"I have seen you before," Arush spoke out of blue.

"Huh?" Khushi got confused.

"My dad. Arnav Singh Raizada. I have seen your pic among his college stuff."

"You are Arnav's son?" Khushi asked in shock.

"Mm. You are Dad's friend?"

Arshi FF : OUR LOVE(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora