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Chapter6::dtd 23/03/2019

"Khushi after you left, life wasn't the same anymore. The fun and my craziness too left me when you left. I missed you too. Papa's business wasn't going well adding to the void you left. Aman was there. But you were you. I  had no other go than to concentrate on my studies.
College was nearing its end. Then came the night which changed my whole life."

His eyes met Khushi's. And she spoke out what his eyes conveyed to her. 'Arush'

"Hmm. Yes. Him. It was a rainy night. While coming back home from Aman's I took an auto. On the way, I saw a heavily pregnant lady asking for a lift to the hospital. I got down and sat alongside the driver giving her space to sit back. Her contractions had started. When we reached the hospital she was taken straight to the labor room. I didn't felt to leave her alone there. After some hours the nurse came out and knowing I was with the lady she shows me the newborn baby boy. When I held him, thunder stroke. And he cried aloud gripping my shirt's button. Even when the nurse tried to take him he still had held the shirt tight with his tiny hands. I paid up the bill. And visited the lady and baby when they were shifted to the room. I left for home after arranging necessities for her and the baby. After college when I came back to check, they had already left.

2 months went by. It was the farewell night. On the way back home with Aman, I again saw the lady. This time she was doing something around the garbage bin. When she saw me I smiled at her. And told Aman that she was the lady I met back then. I asked her about the baby and she stammered. She tensed up. I queried if there was a problem. In any way, I can help her. She said nothing and tried to avoid me and bid bye. When we too took some steps to go our way I heard a muffled cry. We both turned around and saw the lady sweating and getting more tensed up. We heard the cry again this time from the garbage bin. We ran to it and found a baby wrapped tightly in an old cloth. I took him up and unwrapped the cloth. The baby was struggling to breathe. He had bruises and cuts along his tiny body.
Shocking us more we found the lady running away. I and Aman had no idea what to do. We immediately took the baby to the hospital.
The doctor told us about the blood loss and asked us to arrange blood for him immediately. They couldn't use the blood from the blood bank as he was just months old. Luckily his and mine were the same." Khushi felt Arnav shivering beside her. She took his hands in hers.

He continued " It took almost a day to transfuse blood to him. He was this tiny and they said they can't transfuse more than 5ml per hour. Those hours were the longest in my life. Aman had informed the police and they took our statement. I send Aman to inform my home. Ma Papa came to the hospital. Within the next few hours, police arrested the lady and brought her to the hospital.
I gave my statement against her. But she then turned the table against me saying I took away and tortured her baby. The way she blamed and accused me... She gave her statement that I... I tried to... mis. misbehave with her and when she resisted I harmed her baby. "
Arnav had tears running down his cheeks.

Khushi caressed his hands.
"Shhh... Arnav... You don't have to tell me if you aren't comfortable"

"No Khushi I need to get this out of me. ..The lady,  her filthy words are still ringing in my ears, Khushi. My parents were still there. They had to hear all that crap she threw my way. There were people around. People who knew me, ma, Papa. The disgust I saw in their eyes... You know I can never do that. Right, Khushi? I swear Khushi I am nothing like what she blamed me off. You know me right? Would you have trusted me If you were there.? Tell me Khushi?  You would have trusted me Right?" Arnav questioned desperately not noticing Khushi nodding yes to him. She cupped his face and forced him to meet her eyes.
" Yes, Arnav I trust you. I know you can Never misbehave like that with a lady. "

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