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"Ease up, babe. You're doing fine....you've got this." Remington encourages me as he slowly and carefully pours the chocolate milk down my throat. "Can you taste it? Tastes good, huh?" I nod, grinning as Remington nudges my head back a little further. "You're doing good. You've got this." He repeats his sentiments, but I don't regard them as any less true. 

The chocolate milk coats the insides of my throat, slowly working its way down to the pit of my stomach. The taste lingers on my tongue, and I indulge in it. It has been far too long since I've enjoyed such simple pleasures like chocolate, pudding, cookies, cake, and brownies. Before diagnosis, Remington used to make me "cupcake in a mug". He'd put the packet together with some hot water and pop it in the microwave. In just two minutes, flavors of birthday cake, vanilla, strawberry, and pineapple would touch my tongue. I loved the treats and sweets he made me....and I miss the tastes they brought. The way they tasted and smelled has began to fade from my mind. 

But this chocolate milk is something divine. The flavor has my head spinning, and the texture makes it easy to slide down my throat. I'm loving this. Remington inches my chin upward some more, helping to aid its sliding down my throat. 

"All done," He says too soon for my liking, producing an empty bottle. "You did so good. I'll keep my eye out for some more, okay?"

I nod. "It was very good. Oh, so delicious!" Remington laughs and produces a smile, leaning in to kiss my head. He helps me pull a purple knit beanie over my scalp. "It'll start snowing soon." He hums, trailing his fingertips along my bony collarbones. "That means it's almost your birthday! I'll have to think of something to do...."

I smile, reaching up to cup Remington's cheek. He tries so hard to make me happy. He gives every effort to give me the world....even though this isn't the easiest place to do so. My world is confined to 4 white walls, and the occasional exciting hallway! There aren't many new places for me to explore, so even if I'm going for testing it can still be an exciting ride. 

Suddenly, it's like a switch flips in my brain. Everything feels.....weird, off. I bring my hand over my eyes, the light's too bright. I hit my pain pump, but feel no affect from the burning in my hand. My stomach  is touched lightly, and my eyes instantly open. 

There's a man at my beside....black hair and dark, chocolate eyes. He's wearing a black t-shirt with some scribbles I can't decipher on it and black jeans. No shoes, just socks. "Baby," He calls, and that causes confusion to run through me. Why is he calling me baby?

"Who...who are you?" I ask, becoming concerned. 

The man's face drops. Silently, without words he leaves. His shoulders are dropped, he looks sad. But I still don't understand! Why was he in my room? And who was he?

Everything's a blur as soon as doctors and nurses enter my room. I'm whisked off to a new room, a new place, whee! Some words are muttered and thrown around about scans and testing, but I'm just enjoying the ride!

I start to feel fuzzy. It's like my chest is vibrating, oh I don't like this much. My arms and legs tingle, and before I know it, I'm slipping into the black void. 

hospital beds {remington leith short story}Where stories live. Discover now