Chapter 1

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George's POV

There was this one particular kid that didn't stand out to me at the time. His name was Weston. The complete opposite of me. Blond hair, blue eyes, and he was a bit shorter than me. We're classmates with the same friend group. Weston and a bunch of other kids have went to the same schools as I did. I've always seen him, and I didn't know that he would make a significant change in my life.

My name is George Janko. I go to South Park highschool and I'm a sophomore. Unlike Weston I have black hair and brown eyes. People like to say I'm attractive, but I have to disagree. I'm at most average looking.

"Yo, George!" I heard my friends call for me. I turned back to see Kyle Broflovski, the red headed Jew. "Wanna hang out at Starks Pond with the gang?"

When Kyle mentioned "the gang" he meant himself, Cartman, Stan, Kenny, Butters, Craig, Tweek, Clyde, Token, Jimmy and of course... Weston. We all became close friends in middle school.

"Sure." I replied. "We're going after school?"

"Yeah. Kenny's bringing beer. I'm not drinking since my mom would kill me." Kyle frowns. "I hope that Eric doesn't drink. He gets really weird when he's drunk."

I smirked. "Looking out for your boyfriend?" Kyle blushes in response. "W-well I just don't want Eric to hurt himself."

Kyle and Cartman have been dating for a while. They've had a complicated relationship. Broke up once, had arguments... but I think they're great for each other. Speaking of relationships, I'm pretty sure Stan and Butters are still dating. Craig and Tweek are an obvious couple since elementary school.

All of us headed out to Starks Pond after school. Some walking there and some driving (Cartman didn't want to walk so Kyle drove him there.) When we all arrived Kenny took out the beer bottles he had from his bookbag. We all questioned how he got those since we're underaged and he's poor. All he said was "I have my ways."

Not everyone was drinking. Stan, Cartman, Butters, Weston and Token didn't have a drink. I didn't either. Everyone else got drunk as hell. Kyle's face was as red as his hair. Cartman was forced to take him home at 7:30.

"Well it was nice hanging out with you assholes, but I gotta take this loser home." Cartman carried Kyle on his shoulders. "And you were worried about me getting drunk." He added.

"Take care of him!" Stan shouted. "Take care of the th0t!" Kenny added, earning a hit from Stan. Kenny loved calling everyone a thot. By everyone... I meant Kyle, Cartman, Stan and Butters. Those four had a complicated relationship. I heard that one time they were all involved in cheating. I would go into detail but it's a long story. After Kyle and Cartman left, everyone else went home. Everyone except for Weston.

Now that I think about it I was never close with Weston. Even though all of us were a "gang" he never really spoke to me. His closet friend being Kenny. Now it's just the two of us. It was getting pretty awkward.

"So... not going home?" I asked. Weston shook his head. He faced the ground. "I don't wanna go home yet."

"Why not?"

"It's... complicated. I'd rather not go home and see my uncle."

I nodded. Even though we weren't close I knew that Weston didn't like his uncle. I didn't know the exact reasons, but Kenny says that his uncle's a monster.

"Then do you wanna come with me? I'm going to the convenience store to get some coffee before going home. Wanna come?" I asked. Weston nodded in response. We both walked to the convenience store late at night. After I bought coffee and Weston bought some chips we were about to say our goodbyes.

"Wait!" Weston says, pulling on my sleeve. I gave him a puzzled look. "I really don't wanna go home. Can I spend the night at your place? Please... Kenny's drunk so I can't go with him." Weston sounded desperate. He looked scared too.

"Yeah man, of course. My parents are out of town for a while so you and the guys can come over anytime." I said. Weston smiled and let go of my sleeves.

"Oh sorry. Didn't mean to tug on your sleeves."

"It's cool."

When we both reached my place I turned on the lights and let Weston sleep on the couch. We both have school tomorrow so I let him borrow my clothes for tomorrow. I just hope that I could be a better friend to Weston and try to get closer to him. Maybe he'll tell me what the deal is with his uncle.

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