Chapter 3

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Weston's POV

It was my lunch period. I was eating a sandwich from the school cafeteria as I sat with the whole gang. We were all talking about the time where we all hung out at Starks Pond.

"I wasn't that drunk... right?" Kyle asks, Cartman laughing in response. I began to laugh too as I remembered that Cartman had to take him home.

"And you were worried that I would get drunk! I had to carry your ass back to my place because your mom would've killed you." Cartman says, placing his arm around Kyle's shoulder.

"Jesus Kyle I didn't know you could get drunk so easily." Clyde says, causing Kyle to cross his arms. "I was just trying out the alcohol!"

"Kyle, you got more drunk than Kenny did, and Kenny drank more alcohol than you!" I added. Kyle looked so offended smh.

Spending time with the gang really helps me a lot. They always make me laugh and I'm glad that I have great friends. It makes me forget that I have to go home to uncle Rob.

Before lunch was over, George came over to me and tapped my shoulder. "Hey Weston. You okay? Do you need to spend the night at my place again or are you ready to go home? My place is always open by the way."

I smiled. "Thanks George, but I'm fine." After reassuring George, my heart sunk. I have to see uncle Rob after school.
I made my way home slowly. Kenny and George were both worried about me, asking me to come over to their places if needed. I declined for now because I would really be in trouble if I don't go home now. I never told him I was spending the night.

My stomach suddenly felt nauseous. I reached the driveway of my house. I tightly grabbed the stings attached to my bookbag as I headed towards my doorstep. I unlocked it and stepped inside.

"I'm home-"

"Where were you?"

There he was. His voice almost scared me half to death. I closed the door behind me and locked it as I was taking off my shoes. "I-I was at my friends house. I spent the night and went to school with him together."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

I froze in fear. He got up from the couch and turned off the T.V. I was about to speak but nothing came out. Uncle Rob took my silence the wrong way and thought that I was disobeying him.

He slapped me. "Answer me you bitch!"

The left side of my face felt like it was burning. I was close to tears, but I couldn't cry. I had to be strong. "I'm sorry... I forgot. I-I'm being honest. I was tired and-"

Uncle Rob cut me off by pushing me onto the couch in the living room. "Enough with your fucking excuses. You sound like a pussy."

"I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me. I-I'm sorry..." I covered my face with my hands to cover my tears. He hates it when I cry.

"You're a fucking bitch. No wonder your parents fucking hated you." He shoved me harder. "That's why your brother blames you for their deaths. It's because you're a useless piece of shit."

Uncle Rob mentioned my parents death... I was so close to crying.

"Is he your new boyfriend? He wouldn't like you so much if he knew that you were such a pussy."


Uncle Rob didn't respond. Instead he did his usual punishment.
After uncle Rob clapped👏 my cheeks hard I was tossed into my bedroom. I burst into tears after uncle Rob left my room. I hate him. I hate him so much. I wanted to shower to get rid of his filth, but everything was hurting. I might as well skip school tomorrow.

I checked my phone and noticed that I have notifications from George, Kenny, and the whole gang. Everyone asked me if I was alright. Nobody knew exactly what was going on at my house except for Kenny, but they all know that I have a terrible home life. I smiled thankfully to know that they all care about me. I texted them that I was okay to not worry anyone.

Before I could charge my phone I get another notification from George.

"Yo wanna go to stark ponds rn? Just us cause everyone else is busy smh."

Obviously I wanted to go. I wanna go anywhere else that's not this house. I immediately replied.

"Ye when we going?"

"10 mins?"



I arrived a bit later than George considering the fact that I was limping and that I took a quick shower. I see him waving at me while he was leaning back on a tree. He looked really good. His hair was messy and he was wearing a plain hoodie. Guys look good with messy wavy hair, especially George.

"Weston! Wassup?" George wraps his arms around my shoulders. Since he's taller than me it was easier for him to do. He's about 6'2 while I was 5'9.

"Nothing much. Just wanted to get outta the house."

George nodded. "Sorry to call you out this late. I was bored at home."

"It's fine! I didn't wanna stay at home either."

George and I began walking around the pond talking about random things. It's nice to talk to him like this. Out of the whole gang George and I aren't really that close, but thanks to yesterday's events we grew closer and began to text more. I've always had a small crush on him. In my opinion he's the most attractive guy in our gang and in our entire school.

I've been classmates with George since I was in kindergarten, but we never really spoke. When George and I befriended Kenny, Cartman, Stan, Kyle, Craig, Tweek, Clyde, Token and Jimmy, I still barely spoke to him. We were still friends though thanks to everyone else.

I hope we become closer.

"-and that's why I lowkey think that Clyde is secretly gay. I mean like half of our gang are gay so it isn't a surprise." As George finishes his speculation on why Clyde is gay, I felt a pain in my lower back causing me to almost fall.

George catches me. "Weston! You okay?"

Goddammit. Uncle Rob did this. "I-I'm fine. Thanks."

As I got up I saw that George looked worried. He frowned. "Dude... you were limping the whole time and now you were about to fall."

I quickly turned my face away from him. This was humiliating. How could I ever tell George?

But he's been nothing but kind to me. Offering me to spend the night as his place and asking me if I was okay... I think I can trust him.

"Uncle Rob... he..." Before I could finish my sentence I stopped and bursted into tears. I hid my face in my jacket to try and hide it, but that obviously didn't work. George quickly tried to comfort me by hugging me tightly. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around me.

"You don't need to finish that sentence. I think I can piece everything together."

I nodded in response. He walked me back to the park benches and we both sat down together. He still had his arm wrapped around my shoulder as we both began to talk about different topics again. When it got too late I had to sneak back into my house, but George stopped me.

"There's no way I'm letting you go back to him. You need to tell someone, Weston."

"I can't..."

"Why not?"

I swallowed my breathe. "I live with him. My parents are dead. He's my legal guardian. I have no other relatives that want me. I would be taken away from South Park... plus he threatened my life. He would kill me."

George frowned. "Weston..." He quickly hugged me again. "Please, if you ever need help you can call me." I nodded again and hugged back tightly. He was warm.

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