Chapter 2

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Weston's pov
When I woke up, I immediately knew I wasn't home. I completely forgot I stayed at George's house. I blushed at the thought as I sat up on the couch.

Stupid stupid! Why did I have to ask him if I could stay the night? I'm probably a bother to him. I should've just went home and taken my uncles dick like a man smh.

I wanted to cry at the thought of going back home and seeing my creepy ass Uncle Rob waiting for me. If I told anyone about what Uncle Rob did to me, he swore he would kill me...

I teared up at the thought.

"Whoa hey what's wrong?" I heard a voice say from the doorway. I blushed and looked up at George , quickly wiping away the tears. "I-I'm fine." I lied.

George frowned and didn't seem convinced, but I guess he decided to leave it at that. "Do you want me to cook you some breakfast? He offered.

He was being really kind to me and I loved it. I've always had a small crush on George. He's so handsome smh.

"No thank you. I'm okay."

George frowned and walked into the kitchen to get food out of the fridge. "C'mon Weston you look like you could put on some weight. You're so small." He joked.

I got up and pouted at him. "Hey I can't help it I'm smaller than average men."

George just laughed and started a pot of coffee. "I'm just joking. You're perfect just the way you are." George said to me.

"Really..?" I asked hesitantly.

George nodded as he started cooking eggs and bacon.
"Thanks for letting me stay by the way."
George nodded and flipped the bacon. "Don't mention it. You seemed like you really didn't want to go home, so I'm glad I could give you a comfortable place to stay."

After breakfast, George let me borrow some clothes to wear to school. I really hope no one notices I'm wearing his clothes. They'll ask questions.

As we walked to school together, George started small talk with me by telling jokes. I laughed at the horrible jokes because for some reason they were really funny to me.

As soon as we got to school, we parted ways. I walked to my locker where I saw my best friend, Kenny. "Hey Kenny" I smiled at him, then opened my locker to get out my textbook. Kenny smiled back and learned against the locker beside mine. "How've you been Weston?" He asked. Kenny was always worried about me. I wish he wouldn't worry. He has enough troubles as it is. "I'm doing okay." I lied.

Kenny frowned at me and out of the corner of my eye I saw his expression change. "Are you trying a new style? Those don't look like your clothes. They look more like George's style." He joked. Then realization hit him. I blushed as Kenny said "Those are George's clothes. Weston why are you wearing his clothes oh my god did you stay at his house?" Kenny whispered to me. I'm glad he was whispering but he's overreacting right now. "Y-yes I did stay at his house." I said. The hallways were beginning to clear and less people were around.

"Ken you know why I can't go home!" I said.

Tears began to form in my eyes. "Weston you know you can stay with me any time you want I'm here for you." Kenny looked hurt as he said this. "Of course I know... but Kenny I'm such a burden at your house. Your family can't afford another mouth to feed. Your two jobs aren't enough to support Karen since your fathers paychecks go to drugs and alcohol." I frowned.

"He's getting worse Kenny. Uncle Rob...every night he touches me and it gets worse and worse. I hate it so much."

Kenny frowned and pulled me into a gentle hug. I hugged back. Luckily no one was in this part of the hallway at the moment, so no one saw me break down sobbing.

"Since I didn't come home last night, he's going to double my punishment.."
Kenny tightened his grip around my waist at that and whispered. "Let me take you to the police. Please please let me do this."

I shook my head and more tears streamed down my face. "No Kenny I can't let you do that. If I tell the cops my uncles been clapping my cheeks every night for the past 6 years, they won't believe me because he'll lie! His best friend is the chief!" I sobbed into Kenny's shoulder more.

Kenny's pov

I held my best friend close in my arms. Weston looked so small and fragile right now. Like he could break at any moment. I've had a crush on Weston for as long as I could remember. I wanted to clap those cheeks before Uncle Rob ever did smh.

"Weston please.. you know I won't take you unless I have your I'm banned from the police station for stealing all their traffic cones..."

Weston pulled away and looked at me. "Why do you take those traffic cones?" He asked. His face was so cute oh my god. "N-no reason." I stuttered.

No one must know....

About what I did with those traffic cones

And about my huge gay crush on my best friend.

The bell rung for the beginning of class and Weston immediately panicked. "Fuck I'm late! Bye Kenny!" He waved and quickly ran to class. I waved slightly back and sighed.

I want to protect him...but I can't

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