Chapter 4

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Weston's pov

A few days after my walk with George, it was Thursday and word was spreading around about the party at Token's house.

He's rich,💵 and flexes💪 his richness once a year by throwing a party while his parents are out of town for the weekend smh. Ofc I can't go to the party because of Uncle Rob🙄

"Hey Weston? Are you going to Token's party tomorrow night?" Kenny asked me during lunch.
I shook my head no.
We were sitting with our normal friend group, which included George.
When George saw me shake my head no, he immediately spoke up. "Why cant you?" He asked.

"My uncle is strict."

"I can sneak you out?" George suggests with a smirk.

I smirk back. "Nah I think I'll be okay." I replied.

George shrugged and sighed. "Okay🤷‍♂️" he then continued eating his lunch, which consisted of some homemade food his mother probably made.

"Hey George why do you always eat that weird looking hispanic food every day? Is it because ur Mexican?" Eric Cartman asked

Kyle whipped his head towards Cartman and slapped him in the arm. "Eric Istg you know what happens when you say anything offensive to someone." Kyle glared.

"Yeah Kyle do you take away se-" before Kenny could finish his sentence, George spoke.

"I'm actually Latino Cartman. Not Mexican."

Cartman gave George a wtf look.
"Wtf George?! Ur Latino??"🕺🕺

George looked confused and we decided to ignore him for the rest of lunch. What did Kyle see him in jfc.


It was now Friday night and I was in my room. Ofc uncle rob just got done clapping my cheeks and it hurts like hell👏👏👏👏 but I've gotten used to it, I'm just glad he didn't use the curling iron today ;~;

I was texting on my phone when I heard small taps at my window. I looked towards my window and stared at it for a second, before I saw a tiny pebble hit the glass and fall.


I walked over to the window and looked down, then smiled when I saw George. I opened the window and stuck my head out. "Hey George, what are you doing here?"

"To sneak you out ofc." He replied.

I'm glad uncle rob is passed out on the couch right now so he can't hear this conversation.

"I told you no." I laughed.

George smirked and shrugged. "I don't want to go to the party unless you're there too." He said.

I blushed at that comment and sighed. "Okay fine. I'll go."
I was about to go sneak out the front door, when I remembered that uncle rob is asleep on the couch, and he'll most likely hear me go out the front door.

"I can't go out the front door right now." I said.

"There's a wall of vines under your window. Use those." George said.

Oh right. I forgot about those. "Okay." I said.

I pulled myself though the window and slowly started to climb down the vines, when suddenly one of them snapped and I was falling, but I never hit the ground.

George rushed forward and caught me in his arms. I blushed as I held on tightly to him in fear. "T-thank you" I said shakily.

George nodded, then gently put me down. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded, then we made our way to the party.

Kenny's pov

I missed Weston. It's no fun to be at a party without your best friend, so I decided to get completely wasted within the first hour.

I didn't see George either at the party. I wonder if he went to go get Weston. I don't like George anymore,  but I'm too drunk go think of the reason why. Is it because he's Latino? No..not every Latino is like Lele Pons..💃💃

I was stumbling around until I bumped into someone. That someone happened to be the host of the party

"Whoa Kenny are you okay?" Token asked.

I smirked and giggled. "Yeah I'm fine." I suddenly felt lightheaded and like I was gonna throw up. Token seemed to notice, so he quickly rushed over and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. "Okay I'm getting you upstairs to bed jfc."

I giggled and leaned on his shoulder. "It's not even midnight and you're already trying to take me to the bedroom~"

I don't know why I said that. I had no control over my words. I was so fucking drunk.

Token opened the door to what I assumed was a guest room. When the door opened, Token and I stood there in shock as we saw Tweek and Craig sitting on the bed making out.

Craig pulled away and glared.
"Dude what the fuck?!"😡😡


Token rolled his eyes and quickly slammed the door.

"I guess you're going to have to sleep in my bed." Token said to me. I was too dizzy to really process his words until we were in his room and I was being laid down on his bed.

"Just rest here. I'll go get you some water." Token said.

I nodded and my vision made the world look like it was spinning. "Okay~" I said.

Token walked towards the door, but before he could walk out, I spoke up.

"Hey Token...", I said.

He turned around.

"Thank you." I smiled and laid my head down before I passed out.

"No problem Kenny." I heard him say before I slipped into unconsciousness.

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