Chapter 5

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George's POV

I successfully snuck Weston out of his house. He was wearing an oversized gray hoodie with some joggers on. In my opinion he's looking pretty cute tonight. I'm wearing a causal outfit to the party since I didn't want to dress up. I wore a simple t-shirt and jeans.

When we arrived at Token's place, Weston immediately tried to find Kenny. I wasn't too bothered by this since I know that they're best friends, but I secretly wanted Weston to hang out with me.

"Kenny's in my room right now. He's way too drunk." Token sighs. He looks tired. I'm guessing hosting this party and taking care of a drunk Kenny is a lot of work.

"Is he sleeping in your bed?" Weston asks. Token nods. "Craig and Tweek were making out in the guest bedrooms. Couldn't take him there."

Token shows us where the drinks were. Of course there would be alcohol at a party. I decided not to get drunk, but I'm curious on what a drunk Weston would look like.

"Hey, wanna have a drink?" I ask. Weston seemed hesitant. "I'm not sure... uncle Rob might kill me if he finds me hungover..."

"You'll be fine dude. I won't let you get that drunk." I say. Weston nods. He takes a shot glass with me as we both drink. I don't get drunk that easily, so I'll be fine, but I've never seen how Weston acts when he's drunk. Maybe he'll look all red and flustered when he's drunk... cute.

I glance over to the table on my right. It was a beer pong table. Nobody was over there at the moment, which surprised me since the party was really crowded.

"Yo Weston, wanna play beer pong?"

"Y-yes! I'm gonna beat you!" Weston yells. Is he drunk? How did he get drunk so fast? I swear he only had three shots...

Weston kept on missing the shots. His aim was so terrible. His face was blush red and he looked really dizzy. It was honestly pretty cute. I left bad that he had to drink all the shots that I made. I wasn't drunk at all so my aim was pretty good, making him drink more.

"This isn't fair George! Y-you're too good at this." Weston whines. I laughed at him. I've never seen him like this before.

"Fine. I'll take a suicide shot, okay? So I can be kinda drunk with you."

"What's that?"

"It's when you mix different alcohols together."

Weston smirks. "You can't handle that."

"You couldn't even handle three shots!"

Weston pouts at this. I managed to mix all the different alcohols into the glass. Was I really gonna take a suicide shot?

"Damn George. You're taking a suicide shot?" Stan asks. He was holding hands with Butters. Those two made a cute couple. 

"Oh geez George... suicide shots are no joke." Butters adds. Before I could take the shot, Clyde, Jimmy, Kyle and Cartman all went over to Weston and I. They were all hyped to see me take a the shot. I managed to chug it all down my throat. Weston seemed really surprising by this. Everyone else was cheering for me. I eventually got the attention of everyone at the party.

"Wow. George is pretty hot." I heard Red say. "Yeah. He's a hot latino🕺" Annie adds.

"George, you can totally sleep with Red or Annie tonight. They both seem like they want a piece of that latino ass🕺" Cartman laughs. Kyle gives him a dark glance, warning him to not say anything offensive.

"I don't know... I'm not that interested in them."

"W-w-why not? I w-wouldn't mind t-tapping Red's hot a-ass." Jimmy says. I rolled my eyes. "Maybe I'm not into girls?"

Cartman gasps. "You're a gay latino?🕺"

"None of your business! And stop doing 🕺 before I beat your ass😡"

Weston seemed to have noticed what I said about not liking girls. I mean, I never had a girlfriend before or a crush. The closest I've ever had to a crush is Weston.

Wait... do I like Weston?

"Hey George, I don't wanna be here anymore. I'm tired." Weston falls onto my shoulders. I catch him just in time. I'm holding him in front of me. He glances up, causing us to make eye contact. He looked really cute... goddammit. I blushed at the thought of wanting to kiss his lips. I broke eye contact and held up him. "I'm tired too. Let's go back to my place for a while."

The d.j started to play a slow romantic song. All the couples got together and slow danced. There was a lot of different couples. Craig and Tweek danced perfectly together. When did they stop making out in the guest bedroom? Wendy and Heidi perfectly danced well together too. Kyle and Cartman were too busy arguing on how to dance, and Stan and Butters didn't try to slow dance. They were just dancing randomly together, which was cute. I would've asked Weston to dance with me, but we were both drunk and tired. I took him home by walking back to my place.

The way back to my place was a quiet trip. I tried to carry Weston back, but he told me that he was okay to walk by himself. My house was near Butters place which is a long walk back. I held Weston's hand as we both walked back to my house. My heart was beating faster the more I was with him. I tried to hide my blush from Weston too.

When we finally arrived at my house I laid Weston on my couch. I quickly made us both coffee to help prevent the hangover. Weston and I both sat on the couch drinking coffee at 1:00 am at night.

"You said you didn't like girls?" Weston suddenly asks, catching me off guard. He made direct eye contact with me too. I was hesitant to answer him.

"I... I don't know." I sigh, drinking more coffee. "I like someone, but he isn't a girl."

"Me too. I like someone too."

Weston likes someone? Is it me...? Probably not.

"Do you like Kenny?" I ask. Weston seemed confused by this. "Why would I like Kenny?"

"Well y'know, he's your best friend. You two are close. I thought that you would like him?"

Weston laughs. "I don't like Kenny. He's only my friend."

We were both silent for a moment until Weston broke the silence. "Who do you like?"

I didn't know how to answer that, since the person I like was asking me the question. I kept staring at his lips. I wanted to kiss him so badly. I didn't care that I was drunk. His lips looked so soft...

I leaned in for a kiss. Weston didn't expect it at first. He didn't kiss back until about a few seconds later. I pulled him in closer as he hugs me tightly. I pushed him down onto the couch. We both disconnected from the kiss for a few moments to catch our breathes.

"I think you should go back now. Before your uncle kills you." I say. Weston seemed like he just got snapped back into reality. We both got off the couch and made our way onto the front door.

"Want me to help to sneak you back in?"

"I'll be fine."

I grabbed Weston's hand before letting him go, and pulled him into a kiss. We let go of the kiss thirty seconds later. He smiled at me and said goodbye. I closed the door, my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest at any minute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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