You meet for the first time (requested)

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You were sitting at the table in the small empty cafe as the rain continued to fall. You loved this particular cafe a lot mostly because it was always so quiet. It gave you the perfect opportunity to think.

You had your earbuds in as blank space played through them quietly. A book you had just recently purchased propped open as you took your time reading it.

It was exactly what you needed, so quiet and peaceful. The rain was soothing and you felt like your heart was at peace for the first time in a while.

It had been a long week. You had just moved to Nashville on your own, the first time being on your own and away from your home and your family, and it was challenging.

Not just because it was a new city and that you missed your family and friends, but because you were still so shy and you didn't feel comfortable going out and meeting new people quite yet.

You saw someone set a coffee down by your phone. You pulled out one of your earbuds to thank whoever it was as you hadn't ordered a new drink since you came in hours ago, but when you looked up every thought vanished from your mind when you realized you were face to face with no other than Taylor Swift.

She smiled and you couldn't help but smile back, your mind and heart were racing but you knew you had to say something.


"Hi. I'm Taylor."

"I know!" she chuckled, eyebrow raised in amusement. "I-I mean it's really nice to meet you. I'm y/n."

She smiled and you swore that if you were standing up at that exact moment your knees would've buckled underneath you. She was even more beautiful in person and you were mesmerized by her.

"Nice to meet you y/n. Can I sit?"

You nodded your head and pulled out your other earbud, Taylor sitting down across from you with a coffee in her hands.

"What are you listening to?"

She smiled and before you could stop her she slid one of the earbuds in her ear, giggling when she heard own her voice.

"So you're a fan?"

You blushed and looked down, Taylor giggled and placed one of her hands on yours.

"It's okay. It's sweet."

You smiled and looked back up at her. She was already staring at you and you couldn't help but stare back at her before you two made eye contact and you turned away.

"Hey, you okay?"

You nodded your head and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, your eyes still focused on the ground.

"Oh, I see. You're shy?"

You blushed, looking up at her and then back down, shaking your head and trying not to embarrass yourself.

"That's cute. So are you new around here?"

"Yeah I just moved here. Nashville is so pretty."

"Yeah there's a lot of cool things to do here."

"It's hard to do anything when you don't know anybody. I don't have any friends here. They're all back home."

She chuckled and grabbed your hands in hers making you look up at her, her eyed already on you.

"Well, you do now. Would you maybe like to go out sometime y/n?"


"Yeah. You're cute and I like you."

You couldn't hide your smile, you almost felt like you were dreaming.

"I'd really like that."

"Good. Here's my number. Text me so I'll have yours."

You nodded and  typed in her phone number, texting her a little smiley face only for her to smile at you and send one back to you.

You laughed as she stood up and leaned down to kiss your cheek.

"I'll text you tonight. We can go out tomorrow. I know the perfect place. I'll send you the details. Don't be so shy tomorrow okay?"

You blushed but nodded your head, watching her walk out and put your earbuds back in, only to hear begin again playing.

It felt cheesy but fitting and you were already excited to see her again tomorrow.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now