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You weren't sure what was worse: the thunder, the lightening, or the pouring rain, but it was all terrible.

The weathermen had called for a really bad thunderstorm tonight along with power outages and as much as you prayed it wasn't true, it was.

The electricity went out a couple hours ago and since then you've been even more freaked out than before.

You were laying in bed with Taylor who had, somehow, fallen asleep. The lightening struck again, this time it lit up the dark bedroom making you squeal and bury your head under the covers.

You felt them being pulled off of you a few seconds later, Taylor's tired eyes met yours and she giggled at you, stroking your now messy hair.

"Baby it's just a storm. It's alright." She reassured you, but her comforting words didn't seem to help right now.

"I'm scared."

You buried your face in her neck as she ran her fingers up and down your back.

"I know you are, but you don't need to be. I'm not gonna let anything hurt you, baby."

You were about to say something when the thunder cracked again, this time louder and closer than before making your eyes fill with tears that soon fell down your cheeks.

Taylor sighed sadly, hating to see you so scared. She continued to rub your back soothingly, planting kisses on your forehead and cheeks.

"It's okay y/n. I'm here to keep you safe."

Your eyes closed and you sniffled, the tears hitting Taylor's soft skin but she never complained.

She sang softly in your ear and left little reminders on your skin that she was right there with you, holding you and keeping you safe.

You couldn't help but relax as her soft and quiet voice coaxed you to sleep, the feeling of her fingers on your bare back making you feel even more comfortable.

Soon, the storm became more peaceful than scary, helping to coax you to sleep instead of keeping you awake.

You drifted off to sleep comfortably in Taylor's arms feeling safe and loved; as you always do with her.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now