Anxiety attacks and sleepy showers (requested)

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You sighed as you walked upstairs, sniffling as the tears fell down your face.

You had just gotten back from going out with your friends, your brain replaying what had happened over and over again.

You had gotten mobbed by paparazzi making your friends decide to leave, too freaked out by all the big cameras and huge crowds.

Worst part was that they didn't try to console you which left you to try to handle it all on your own as you walked home alone.

You wanted so badly to call Taylor but you didn't want her to know just how bad things have gotten. Your anxiety has gotten a lot worse lately, dealing with the paparazzi and the hate and rumors, it was causing your anxiety to worsen and you knew it was only a matter of time before you had an anxiety attack.

You walked into the bedroom and found Taylor sitting on the bed with her phone in her lap, her head in her hands.


"Y/N! Oh thank god you're okay."

She pulled you into her arms and rubbed your back. You were about to ask her what happened when you saw what was on her phone- a video that a fan had posted onto twitter to let Taylor know what had happened.

"Why didn't you call me? You should've called me. I would've helped you baby."

You sat down on the bed and rubbed your hands over your face, feeling Taylor sit down next to you as she rubbed your back.

You began thinking back to all the harsh words that were said by the paparazzi, your mind beginning to race as your hands started to sweat.

You knew right then what was about to happen. Your breathing became faster, making you feel like your lungs weren't working.

You couldn't breathe. Your heart started to race and your hands were trembling, Taylor noticed immediately what was happening and she began to comfort you the best she could.

"Okay y/n, breathe. You're okay baby. I'm right here, just take some deep breaths."

"I can't."

"Yes you can baby, you can. I'm right here with you, honey. You're not alone baby, you're safe. I'm not gonna let anything hurt you. Just focus on your breathing baby. You're okay."

She kissed your shoulder and rubbed your back, trying to leave little reminders on your skin that she was there with you. You grabbed her hand and laced it with yours, squeezing it as you continued to struggle to breathe.

Taylor didn't care that you were squeezing her hand for dear life, she knew that you needed her right now and anything that was going to help you through this, she'd do.

"It's okay darling, keep breathing. You're so brave baby."

She brought your hand up to her lips, kissing it a couple times and sighing softly when she heard your breathing starting to return to normal.

When it was over you sniffled a few times, exhaling shakily. You looked at Taylor with tears in your eyes.

"Oh, baby." She whispered softly, pulling you into her arms.

You sobbed softly, ashamed at the anxiety attack that had practically held you hostage for minutes.

She picked you up and carried you into the bathroom, sitting you down on the counter gently before walking over to the shower and turning the water on.

She helped you take off your clothes, noticing that you were sleepy, your energy drained from the anxiety attack.

She kissed your forehead before taking off her clothes and helping you into the shower, closing the door and holding you as you stood under the warm water.

You sighed in relief when it hit your skin, making you feel calm and relaxed. She rubbed your back softly, trailing her hands up to your shoulders. She felt how tense they were under her fingertips and you relaxed even more when you felt her hands starting to rub the tension from them as gently as she could.

She didn't wanna hurt you. She knew you still felt vulnerable from your anxiety attack, but she knew you would feel even better after a massage.

She helped you wash your hair, her fingers scratching your scalp lightly, making you moan in contentment. She washed your body and let the warm water hit your skin and relax you even more as she held you for a few more minutes before helping you out. She helped you dry off and get changed into some pajamas before she did the same.

Once she was done she picked you up once again, carrying you back into the bedroom and laying you down on the bed. She smiled as the scent of your strawberry shampoo hit your nose, a smell that always relaxed her.

You were resting your head on her shoulder as you laid on your side, Taylor doing the same so she could face you and hold you. She ran her fingers through your hair, starting at your roots and going down to the ends.

She kissed your forehead, watching as your eyelashes fluttered against your cheek. She began to sing softly into your ear and it only took a few more minutes before she heard the sound of your small snores, quiet and kinda adorable.

She knew she'd have to talk to you about the incident with the paparazzi in the morning but for now she didn't care.

You were sleeping, finally feeling calm after having such a bad anxiety attack. She just wanted to keep you safe and she'd do whatever it took for that to happen.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now