||. CHAPTER 8 : ESCAPE .||

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Log 123, 15th December, Year 3391

President, we have managed to capture P14-3 from Planet 14. As much as we have expected, she would be able to shift from a mermaid to human form, only when she wishes too. Specimen P14-3 has her tongue being cut off because of the melody she had sung to a few of our researchers. To prevent any further havoc in MR 91-12, we have decided to take her voice away. Now, we will be able to transport her back to Sa'ne for further experiments. Record 1 was taken earlier, a week ago and it had proven that she would able to drive any men with her melody to death. We had to inject Specimen P14-3 with L56 to ensure that she is numb to all of her senses. Other than that, we have other reports filed from last three weeks that the creature in Planet 14 is a resemblance of the sirens in the sea back on Earth during the 15th century. To explore more of her species means it would be similar to bringing history back from Earth. Planet 14 must be destroyed in order to ensure the safety of Mars. If these inhabitants found their way to Mars, we would not stand a chance to live alongside them. Alright President, the time now is 18:45 and P14-3 has been awake from her sleep. We will be starting off with the first trial of experiments on our way back. Hope to see you soon. Good Day, President.

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"Authorization required. Please try again later." The inhuman voice echoed through the whole Sa'ne. Rachael brushed her hair nervously as she began to punch in numbers she could think off, trying to drive the system of Roaming 95 to her own personal database. Arthur was by her side as they both sat down on the ground, trying to figure out all the numbers, including the researchers' portfolio through some of the dark archives they have collected earlier. None of the new researcher's codes match the system, even the President himself. Arthur began to wonder about all the possibilities as he dug into the older archives, reading the portfolios of some of the known researchers.

Stefan, on the other hand had been busy staring at the siren. Her long blue hair floating in the water, fish like eyes staring deep into Stefan eyes while the gills on her face keep moving as bubbles began to pop out of it. He chuckled softly at the sight, humming the melody over again and again. The tail of the siren kept beating the water in a soft rhythm as Ranveer saw the water spilling out of her container. He took a step closer, standing next to Stefan who hissed for a moment, growling and then calmed. Chen shot his brother-in-law a curious look. He had seen him laughing, giggling and yelling nonsense, but not growling and hissing like an untamed beast. As he reached out to grab hold on his shoulder, Stefan turned around abruptly, growling at Chen, mumbling in gibberish as he reached out biting his fingers, blood forming on it. Chen let a soft yell only to earn laughter from Stefan's lips. When the blood was pouring out, Stefan rushed over to the unopened door and began writing something with his blood, causing the siren to wriggle her silver fish tail in excitement.

"There is no way to open in!" Arthur scoffed as he heard the blaring of the alarm in Sa'ne. "Damn it! We triggered something in the system, Rach! Do something!"

Rachael looked through the files as she typed nervously into the pad. Ranveer held onto his weapons as he looked around the place, his eyes filled with fear. Rachael scrolled through the older archives as she growled at the lack of data. It is impossible for her not being able to hack into this system. She hissed and began to swipe through some of the files. There would be a way. Considering how bad things are now, she wouldn't mind taking the risk. Punching into a few other buttons, Rachael heard a louder blaring sound across the place. The colour of the lights turned red as she heard the hissing sound of the doors of every room being opened. Chen and Ranveer both stood back as they studied the surroundings, watching as different creatures being released, all captured from different planets. At the edge of Sa'ne there were the sound of human screaming in excitement as they barged out of the door.

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