Chapter 1: Milo

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I had a very rough past I admit you really only know that I survived high school without eating which wasn't fully phrased correctly I actually ate once a week to balance out the pain of hunger sleep wasn't my favorite though. Now you're probably all screaming while asking where's Tal during all this what happened to him well I'll explain it was early one morning at our high school since we had most of our classes together. Well lets um just say Tal was better with friends than I was he was with them and after two classes he looked at me and just quickly slammed a book on my desk I guess to get my attention I looked up and took my earbud out he looked pretty mad I was pretty  confused and looked at him. He asked kinda loudly which wasn't Ideal but I guess necessary for him... "SMOL! WHERE WERE YOU LAST WEEK? I thought you DIeD!" I sighed and politely replied, "No I did not die I was recovering from surgery actually why do you even care it's been a thing for you recently...what's wrong did your ass hat of a friend group leave you finally I warned you if so... "  Tal looked down "What kind of surgery?" "Top surgery you idiot it takes a week to drain the blood this is my first week of being flat actually." "Oh right, Your trans I guess  I should stop calling you a she shouldn't I?" I sighed and replied, "Yeah actually it would be nice...did you just come to annoy me?" "ANnoy you Smol I'm your only friend I'd watch your tongue if I were you." "I don't need to watch my tongue I said everything truthfully and you may kindly leave me be and hang out with your bitchy friends if you feel like you must."  "I will stop being your friend Milo and trust me you need me to live basically!" I looked at Tal angrily and then just sighed "Then leave me be I can live on my own...It won't be hard for you Tal I know how many people you go through like a pack of candy." "fine, I'll leave just saying you'll regret this in the future." "Sure whatever  Tal" I laughed at his comment since it seemed unlikely  and like a joke I truly knew I didn't need him  I continued all of the school year and summer without him I started T over the summer and came with a lower voice no one would notice is what I thought since no one talked to me and I avoided teacher contact completely  after a while but who decided to say hi than Tal he looked at me and sat next to me as I sat at lunch I honestly couldn't wait till I did the yearly testing things so I could leave at lunch and just do whatever instead of sitting with nothing but my phone  and headphones. Tal sat next to me and smiled and said: "Well hey stranger how's your year been Smol?" I sighed as I paused my music and set my phone down and replied "One it's Milo now and two you'll need to specify because last year was fine I had A's and B's in my classes and as for this year I have already one test so... I don't know  well now you can kindly screw off so yeah go bye." I said it but I hadn't noticed it was the first Time I've spoken outside of my home with Testosterone in my stream I waited for him to start laughing but I looked up and he was gone talking to his friends again I put my music on and ignored the rest of lunch. I had to deal with this one teacher who tried to be every single student's friend I just sorta mumbled back whenever she talked to me. so yeah that was High School aka how Tal probably became the person he was then and was before he died. The Dads and Morello thing probably threw some people off so I'll explain so start from the beginning it was the end of middle school for me so 8th grade I sat at lunch with Tal and this new kid came in she looked nice that kid was Morello I ended up telling her and she took me to meet her family she Had two Dad's I never learned their names since I've only ever called them Dad or sir's  I know kid of the year award but it was worth it for sure they adopted me after a while they didn't see why but they let me go back to school while Morello got homeschooled by one Dad while the other worked I guess I could have but I didn't and I do regret not being homeschooled my last three years of high  school but still...I guess that Mori and I's life as siblings we love either though I remember the summer of 2022 It was when I got Bottom surgery than later Top it was nice during that year's school year I had started Testerone Mori was happy for me and My Dads Told me if people are mad at you for that than you have the permission to protect yourself as you please I enjoyed that a lot. That's all I'm going to say for now...

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