Chapter 2: Morello

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Ok so I'll tell you some important things that happened before you all knew me so you probably know the adopted stuff looking over what Milo mentioned but from my point of view, this is what I saw. I walked into the lunch room and saw two people sitting in the back of the lunchroom me being mostly homeschooled  I noticed the two sitting there one was talking to the other and the other had headphones in so I don't even think he could here I walked over and  looked at the two and the other one who was Milo looked at me and pulled his headphones off and quietly pushed the boy in yellow all I heard was "Ow Smol what the hell?" Milo  at the time just said "shut up ok I can't even here you with these in..." he looked up at me and asked, "can I help you?" I looked at him and noticed bindings that seemed rough on the chest I first said normally "Hi uh I'm new here can either of you show me around a little?" I wanted to talk while still learning where everything is Milo stood up after Tal pushed him " I'll show you around follow me..." he showed me around and I just simply asked, "so s-Smol is your name right?" Milo looked down and answered, "It's the closest I'll get til I move away..." My eyes lit up "That's why you've got the extremely tight bindings am I correct you aren't happy as a female so you plan to change but your family won accept you so you're waiting till you get away from them to be yourself. am I correct?"  Milo's jaw practically dropped at the inference I made. "Woah you got that in one glance?! that's insane! but yeah you're correct...and there not that tight they might just look like it." I looked again "Bandages or layers?" I asked, "Oh layers I know what bad things can happen with bandages so I avoid them..." I smiled "can you hang out today?" Milo looked happy "yeah I can say I had an after-school meeting for our writing group!" I laughed "Ok" It was nice my Dad's were really nice and after I told them they did what Milo told you all that is that he adopted him and renamed him, Milo, even to make him feel better Oh and Our Dads names Uh there names are Matthew and Jake Scott yes our  Names Our Milo Smol Scott And Morello Rose Scott. ..  I think that's all Oh wait never mind there was power drama real quick um ok so before I was adopted I was with my real parents and I gave my parents a nightmare about me running away because I planned so I wanted to see what they would try and do but midway my Mom woke up and  checked on me and saw me rendering the dream so they practically locked me up in my room till basically till I got adopted how did I get out you might ask? well the window and the help of my little brother I miss my brothers...what they used to say but I did it myself in my own decision with no regrets at the time and they don't even live there anymore...but yeah that's probably all of what you need to know for your weird idea things...uh yeah...

PowerCast book 2: A Look In The PastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora