Thank god he's back to normal

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Moltenfreddy pov
As we went back to the pizzeria.  Bryan was walking up. "Uh why is Moltenfreddy holding me? Why aren't we going into the portal?" Bryan asked.  We were all so confused. "Bryan don't you remember anything ?" I asked.  "All I reamber was we were going to play minigames and I fainted. And know getting a major headache. " Bryan said.  "Oh okay you just go home bryan.  " spring Bonnie said.  As Bryan left, spring Bonnie snapped at me. "What the hell did you do to Bryan!" Spring Bonnie shouted.  "How the fuck am supposed to know ! All I want to do was turn him into a girl , not go phyco!" I snapped.  "Then why doesn't he remember anything. "Spring Bonnie said.  "Thats a good question that I  don't have the answer to." I said. "Its probably the best if we didn't tell him about what happened." Spring Bonnie said.  "For once I agree with on that." I said. "Moltenfreddy can I speak with you in private?" Helpy asked.  I nodded me and Helpy went to the bathroom.  "I think that phyco Bryan is apart of Bryan, because you know cause his dad is springtrap. " Helpy said.  I nodded agreements.  " I think the reason why he couldn't remember was because of his frontal lobe missing." I said. "Well this got a lot more interesting  ." I mumbled .
Bryan pov
As I came in my house . I saw doctor yellow drinking coffee and sitting on my couch?! "Uh dr. Yellow why are you in my house?" I asked.  "My SON  how was work?" Doctor yellow said calling me son again.  "Uh work was good.  Why are you in my house?!" I asked . "Don't trust him ." My fredbear plush said.  I slient agreed. "Oh you left you the back door unlocked.  "Okay ?" I said knowing fully well I dont have a back door.  "So dr.yellow what do you need." I asked. "Bryan  please don't call me doctor yellow, call me dad ." Dr. Yellow said.  "Just call him dad. When he leaves call molten Freddy or helpy. " my Fredbear plush said again.  "Okay whatever you say dad." I said. "Why would you I need anything from my SON. "Dr.  Yellow said. "Um dad don't you need to go to work?" I asked him.  His eyes winded and mumbled curse words under his breath.  "Your right gotta go bye SON." He said waving bye. As I was waving bye back. As I  saw his car was out of sight.  I knew have to call  thee others

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