spring bonnie v.s wolf zach

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Spring bonnie POV
As I had a metal baseball in my hand. I saw a blue wolf with blood everywhere on it. "Mostly likely its zach ." I mumbled angrily.  " oh look a bunny animatronic. I wonder who in it? " wolf zach said insanely.  "Oh there nothing in this suit am a copy of afton. And you are that guy that's going to die!" I said while my eyes go red. "I love to see you try copy of afton!" Wolf zach yelled. I than jumped on him and started attacking him. He than kicked me off. And tear my eye out. I was known getting pissed. I than started to punch him and Attack him. He than threw me like a rag doll and tore of my legs. "See you later copy of afton. " wolf zach said.  I than texted the others :

  I than texted the others :

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"God please make sure Michael is okay when fighting him

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"God please make sure Michael is okay when fighting him." I mumbled.

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