He won't remember afton

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Dr. Yellow POV

"What do you want golden Freddy." I asked.  "Bryan is remembering his family." Golden said . "So what." I said in a clam voice. "Why are so clam about all this? Aren't you worried that your plan to get sarah  back will fail?" Golden asked me.  "Nope because even if my bryan dose stop talking the pills and rembers his brother and sister and mom . He won't remember afton. " I said sinister like.  "Wait why wouldn't he rember his father ?" Golden freddy asked.  "Well that simple really. If he tries to remember afton as his dad. His head will start to bleed.  Like it , did when he was a kid." I said smiling.  "THAT Will kill him!" Golden freddy yelled.  " Excally and the only way to make it stop . Is for him to  take the pills " I said sinister like. 

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