why can't he rember our parents!?

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Michael pov
As me, Moltenfreddy and helpy went in other room. I looked at moltenfreddy and helpy with angry. "Why doesn't he remembers our parents?! Why is he alive the doctor told me and my family that he was died." I whispers- shouted.  "What was the doctor name ? The one who told you and your family that he was died?" Molten freddy asked. "Doctor yellow was our doctor why does that matter." I said in a angry tone. "Cause I believe that doctor is bryan doctor and been giving him pills to make him forget this." Helpy said.  My eye wined and clenched my fist. "What. " I said deadly clam . "He always wants bryan to call him dad." Molten freddy said.  I wanted to find this doctor and punch him straight in the face.  "Where can I  find him." I said in a murder way . "I have no clue." Molten freddy said.  I sighed and relaxed a little bit.  " doctor guy do anything else?" I asked. "He went in bryan house and told him to call him dad." Molten freddy said. I really want to find that idot doctor know  . As I went to Bryan my little brother.  He was talking about the pizzeria to jon. It then hit me , what about dad. He dosent know that bryan is his dead son. And he wants to kill him , fuck well it looks like am going to disobey my farther again. Through this time Im saving my little brother.  "Michael are you okay bro." Bryan asked holding his fredbear plush . "Yea am fine. Oh and if that doctor yellow comes again tell me,jon moltenfreddy or Helpy, okay?" I asked giving him my phone number.  "Okay I understand. " Bryan said nodding his head. I smiled and gently ruffled  his hair .

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