A Tale of a Young Hero

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*sorry for the very short short story, but I kind of like this snippet*

She panted, hearing her blade fall to the ground. She was surprised to feel that no tears touched her eyes. It was the end, and it sure did feel like it. The girl’s muscles were sore, as if she’d been lifting sixty-pounders again (and believe me, she had learned her lesson last time). Mud caked her grimy hair, dried blood stuck in every crevice  imaginable. She wanted to simply fall down and die, but sadly she couldn’t just give up. They were all depending upon her. Her head was muddled, and she wasn’t quite sure what was going on as the shadow advanced, encasing her in darkness. The last thing she remembered was screaming. This wasn’t your regular, everyday scream, it was blood-curdling and horrible.

“Elaine.” Somebody prodded  her side. Elaine immediately remembered it as the voice of her mother. “It’s all over, we can go home now.”

And went home they did. Even to this day, everybody treated the regular girl with a certain respect that she wasn’t used to. She couldn’t figure out why. Elaine hadn’t done anything real special, but to the rest of the world, she had done everything. She never could grasp what had changed, but deep down she knew. She was a hero to everyone else, even though she didn’t feel any different, and she had a big scar down the back of her neck to prove it.

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