All Crows were once Doves

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All crows were once doves. It's a fact that some refuse to believe or are entirely ignorant to the whole ideal, but it must be true. For only evil can grow from innocence.

But a seed of purity from whence force came this darkness, began it all. It grew. It changed. It was exposed, to all the terrors of the outside world. From the moment it poked free from it's warm, earthen womb, it was plagued by the darkness of ultimate demise.

A heart once pumping and vibrant, now hard and cold. Stricken and diseased. The only option of redemption is replacement. I'm this case, one must die for such a sacrifice.

Despite all this, there still hope yet For this world. The answer lies within the spread of the crow. Though this creature has been the cause of all your misfortune, the flight of the crow is a pure thing. With a spread of its wings a small innocence is revealed. A gray or sometimes white under-foliage

For what is a crow but a dove in disguise?

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