The Chosen One

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Nurse: You have to take your pills Edna!

Edna: No, I won't take the green ones!

Nurse: Please, just this once.

Edna: That's what you said yesterday!

Nurse: Edna.....

Edna: Fine, as long as I don't have to take the blue ones.

Nurse: You have to take the blue pills, because they keep you from getting sick from the green pills, which keep you from getting sick from the pink pills that you like so much because they taste like cherries.

Edna: Oh okay, but it's strawberry, not cherry.

Narrator: This is a daily routine for Carmen Chane, who works as an active duty nurse for a kindly -though troublesome - old woman named Edna. This is "The Chosen One", an original.

Nurse: Edna! I'm back! Edna? ......Open up the door! It's me!

Edna: Oh, Carmen, it's you.

Nurse: Jesus, what were you doing in there? You had me worried there for a moment.

Edna: Oh, just packing my bag, I couldn't hear you from my bedroom.

Nurse: Packing? Where are you-

Edna: It's okay, he told me to go, I leave now.

Nurse: Who told you to leave? If it was the landlord again, you could have told him that I sent your rent last night.

Edna: No, not the funny pants man, I made sure that he won't be back for a while.

Nurse: ....not again Edna....but if it wasn't the landlord, then who told you to leave?

Edna: A god.

Nurse: You've been having this dream for several weeks now, it wasn't real.

Edna: No, it was real, see?

Nurse: Woah! Where did you get those really big knitting needles and that huge ball of yarn.

Edna: Do you want some cookies?

Nurse: That doesn't answer my.....wait, are those oatmeal raisin?

Edna: Yep, piping hot right from the oven.

Nurse: Okay fine.....not bad.

Edna: Time to go.

Nurse: Wait, no!

Edna: Don't worry, I packed for you too......Mittens, Whiskers, Daisy, Charlie....

Nurse: Edna, what are you doing?!?

Edna: I can't leave my kitties alone for so long.....Leo, Tiger, Otis, Oscar....

Nurse: Edna, we've talked about this, we don't let the cats outside, not since the Great Snowball incident of O17.

Edna: Don't worry.....Oreo, Pepper, Carl, Snowball 2.0.....

Nurse: Since when has there been a Snowball 2.0???

Edna: Probably about two days now. Boots, Princess, Caterpillar.....Okay. You next.

Nurse: Wait, no.......okay, fine. We'll be home by dinner, right?

Edna: Eh, I'm fifty-fifty on that. Out you go.

Nurse: Hey...! Wait, where are we??? Where did all these trees come from???

Edna: Eh.....trees? Oh, those things there.

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