An Assassin's Order

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"You see that girl there? That one across the room? The one exchanging greetings with that man in the black vest, laughing at whatever dumb joke he just told her? The one with the long pixie-blonde hair, the full bosom, the slender waist, and the long athletic legs? Yeah, you see her now, that's the one. If we weren't so far away, you'd be able to hear the light peal of her voice, with the mischievous glint in her eyes and the silver splay of freckles on her nose. I can tell just by the look on your face, you've never met this precious jewel before. She's the top of her class, but it's not like you needed me to tell you this. You can see it in the proud ways way she carries herself and how her nose is constantly pointed straight out rather than down at her feet. Elizabeth come from two very different parents; a father raised with a silver spoon welded to his tongue and a mother thrown to the streets after her family couldn't care for her. There was a painful divorce when dear Elizabeth was only five years of age and an abusive stepfather she's just recently escaped from. I tell you these things and you can't help but feel sorry for her, right? Well, save your misery for somebody else. At least, that's what she'd say. There's a million other stories exactly like Elizabeth's and plus, she has the pride of a mare; she doesn't want your pity."

"Pardon my intrusion Master, but-"

"Howard! How many times have I told you not to wear that atrocious suit and can't you tell that I'm a little preoccupied at the moment?"

"My apologies, Master, but it was a gift from my mother."

"Just leave us alone Howard!"

"Yes, Master, right away Master, please excuse my impudence Master!"

"Anyways...I can still we you Howard! Anyways, her life could have gone a lot worse, you see. Elizabeth got into the private school of her dream the first year she applied. A pristine place with halls tiled in granite and classes of four students a piece. Elizabeth loved it there, as I hear, but, what I mean to say is, who wouldn't? what with their individual dorm rooms and free buffets at every meal. It was here, Quantum Valley Private High School, that Elizabeth met valuable companions and grew into the elegant woman the you see today. Now watch as she crosses the room, over the the punch bowl. See how she walks with that streamlined confidence? Well obviously she was a popular figure back in Quantum Valley. She made all the guys' heads turn as well as the girls'. Everybody either wanted to be Elizabeth North or date her. I can blame them though, and I know you can't either. People simply seemed to be gravitated towards her by some invisible force. And, no, it wasn't just her looks that did it for her, but I'm certain that was one of the primary factors. Elizabeth has a personality like no other; so easily was she amused. I don't think I've seen her frown once and she has one of those laughs that can silence an entire room. People simply freeze in awe at the sound of it. "

*phone call* "Howard! Didn't I tell you not to interrupt me?!"

"Sorry Master, I just needed to know who girl is."

*hangs up* "Surprisingly, Elizabeth has only had two boyfriends in the past, according to my research. Sure, people were probably lined up around the block to date her, but she didn't want a boyfriend so desperately and always put school first. The two Elizabeth did go out with were both already close acquaintances of hers that she knew well before their relationships. She had an active social life. With close friends living in dorms on either side of her own, she was constantly surrounded by a large group of other girls. They'd party together when there was something to celebrate, such as the end of term or good test scores, and cried together as one huge support group in tough times; the most recent of these being the death of Elizabeth's beloved border collie, who she'd had her entire life. Yeah, yeah, I'm aware that you couldn't possibly have known all this just by looking at her and that you're probably wondering why I'm telling it all to you, right? Well, I just thought you'd be interested to know all this; she is a very fascinating individual. She's participated in the Academic Decathelon all four years of her high school life, she was Valid Victorian when she graduated just a few weeks ago, and she has ambitions of attending some high end Ivy league college. Not surprising. Her father threw her a party when the long anticipated acceptance letter arrived. It was such a huge occasion that all her friends from Quantum Valley were invited and even Elizabeth's mother was allowed to come. This was soon followed by the graduation party that would render any teenager jealous, but, compared to the previous celebration, this one was nothing. She plans on earning her doctorate at this school and to become a doctor. Admirable, I think. Elizabeth says that she's doing it to help other people. Silly notion, really, but to each their own, I guess. Surely she has an impressive future laid out for herself and an almost infallible plan to get there. I'd bet this leads people to adore precious Elizabeth North all the more. I mean, she's perfect no matter what way you look at it. Perfect body, perfect personality, clean track record, perfect laugh, perfectly popular, perfect future simply waiting to go into action. Well, almost perfect. Looking at her straight on, it's impossible to miss the slight gap between her front teeth and how her ears stick out just a bit too far from her head. But I'm sure her future suitors will only find these small flaws 'cute'. Everyone seems to think that way about errors until they're huge and impossible to miss. The world loves perfect Elizabeth North," the Assassin growled, sliding a curved blade across the table. "I want you to kill her."

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