⋉ chapter five ⋊

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I'm a dumbass

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I'm a dumbass.

My nose is smashed against the hard ground as Sheriff Deeder cuffs my wrists. In my blood-obscured vision, I see Michael Miller. A stream of crimson drips off the bridge of his nose, tainting the floor.

"You piece of trash," He spits at me though his voice is muffled.

"I wouldn't say a word if I were you, Mr. Miller." Deputy Sheriff Waften warns, cuffing him in turn.

As Sheriff Deeder hauls me to my feet, the gym looks like someone is shaking it. Or maybe I'm dizzy from being punched in the face.

"You two are idiots." The Sheriff says, directing us away from the wide-eyed stares of Robotics Club members and towards the exit. I'm being arrested and yet, the only thing I can think of is how am I going to explain this to Nova? I can already imagine her response:

"Nova...I was put in jail."

*Nova bursts into tears and never talks to me again*

Michael and I are shoved into the police car, grunting when our arms brush against each other in the cramped vehicle. I scoot as close to the window, and as far from Michael, as I can.

After Sheriff Deeder gets into the passenger seat, he swivels to face us. "I've always been wary of Mr. Caron but...Mr. Miller? I expected better from you."

I grit my teeth. Yeah, of course you expected better from "Mr. Miller". Michael's an r/niceguy Christian while I'm the Godless scum that terrorizes men and women of faith with my evil atheism disease.

"You have something to say, Caron?" The Sheriff asks me and the edge in his voice chafes my entire being.

"I just love the bias," I retort with a misleading smile. "Love it. Keep doing what you're doing, Officer."

Sheriff Deeder's eyes inflame as he sharply inhales. Deputy Waften turns his head in response, glaring. "Watch yourself."

To my right, Michael is smiling like a content doofus. He's clearly happy with the turn of events. I scowl but despite my outward appearance, my heart bashes against my chest as I realize I still have to face my parents.


Only Papa shows up. Which means Mama is at home, probably breaking her own heart as she worries obsessively over me. Papa's leathered hands are stuffed into his construction clothes. His quiet, grey eyes follow me as I am escorted by the Sheriff.

"Watch this one," Deeder warns.

To my surprise, Papa nods in apparent agreement. "We're trying."


"Dumbass," Papa growls once we've exited the police station. "Get in the car."

I obey of course—you don't mess with Papa—but now I'm irritated. "I'm sorry, okay!" I shout, buckling my seatbelt.

He keeps his focus on backing out of the parking lot. "What happened, Carrot?"

He isn't using the nickname in an endearing way, so I assume he's livid. "Michael Miller happened." I snap, slumping in my seat.

"Answer the damn question Mr. Pettycrimes. I asked, what the fuck happened."

"Michael came at me during the Robotics Club meeting. He was like, 'you atheists hide behind science but only because you're too afraid to realize only God can fill the void in your hearts'," I paraphrase in my prissiest, most obnoxious voice.

"And you punched him for that?"

"No! Then he started bothering me about the Charles Darwin project and called Mr. Cardsmith's class an abomination. So, I told him to stop acting like bitchy Christian."

Dad frowns, disgruntled by my description of our family's religion. "And?"

"And then the loser grabbed my collar. So, I pushed him away and he came at me, fists flying. I had to fight back!"

"At a Robotics Club meeting," Dad groans, his grip on the steering wheel so tight his knuckles are white. "You ever heard of this word called de-escalation?"

"Yeah, sure...so, what's my punishment? Am I being sent away?" I say, sarcasm dripping off my words.

"Oh, you are definitely being sent away," He answers.

I falter, not sure if he's serious. "Wait...what?"

"You thought 'atheist conversion camp' was funny, hunh? You think it was some BS your parents pulled to make you listen? Nah, you're in some deep shit, Carrot." He barks. "Your Mama cries almost every night over you and you don't even care."

"You think I'm some "piece of trash' too?" I ask, feeling like utter crap. Of course, he had to bring up Mama whom I love very dearly but whom also cries when she accidentally steps on a snail.

"I never said that."

"Yeah, but you were thinking it. Just like everyone in this stupid town. Send me away, I can't wait to leave."

"My ass."

"You clearly don't care where I'm going."

"Don't try and manipulate me, Caleb Josiah Caron. I'm done with your games. Own up to what you did."

I swallow the thick, bitter taste in my mouth.

Frick this. Frick Michael Miller and his stupid Christian bigotry. Frick my entire life.

Dang it, Nova.

I screwed it all up.

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