Chapter 1: All life is precious

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Warning: The following chapter will mention topics of depression, suicide, and death. If you are sensitive to these kind of topics, then feel free not to read this chapter. If you want to do so, then please proceed with caution.

"Worthless little thing."

"Stop it." A girl replied as she covered her ears that were buried in her hazel colored hair.

"Your mother is dead because of you. You could've stopped her, but you believed that false smile of hers."

"It's not my fault!" The girl screamed as tears ran down her face.

"It is! You remind yourself because of all the cuts you inflicted on yourself. It won't be long now before you commit the same actions your mother did."

A chair appeared with a noose hanging high above. The girl, overwhelmed with the voices of the darkness, slowly stepped over to the chair.

"Just stand on the chair. Then you won't be a waste of space anymore."

The girl climbed onto the chair and placed the noose around her neck. She took what she thought was her final breath before she kicked the chair. The noose had only started to tighten before it was cut off from the girl's neck. She landed on the floor with a thud as the voices were slayed in a matter of seconds by a blade of justice. The girl looked up from the ground to see a glowing white sword with a pink handle that was heart shaped. An older woman in a white frilly dress with brown hair held the sword as her pink eyes with heart shaped pupils at the girl with a motherly intent.

"Who are you?" The girl asked as she was helped up by the woman. "Why did you save me? I'm not really worth much." The girl said as the woman put away her sword in it's scabbered. "Every human being has life for a reason. Even you do to." The woman replied as a white portal appeared beside the two. "Come, we'll discuss more once we get to the Palace." The woman said as she extended her hand.

"How do I know if I can trust you?" The girl began to protest, "What do you even see in me that makes me worth saving? I'm just a teenager dealing with enough problems until you decide to come along and now I'm doubting myself and my life even more. I-" The girl was cut off as the woman placed her right hand on the girl's left sleeve, causing both the woman's two marks to glow along with the girl's mark. A flash of light occurred and the girl saw something. A vision of her future not about death from suicide, but laughter and happiness. She saw herself with the love of her life, and a family of a daughter and 2 cats. She saw herself future as something worth living for as the eyebags disappeared and her depression faded away from existence.

A flash of light occurred again and the woman removed her hand from the girl's left sleeve. "What did you do?" The girl asked in wonder. "I showed you your future. You might want to start thinking about it more often." The woman said with a soft smile on her pale pink lips. The woman led the girl to the portal. "Where are we going exactly?" The girl asked as she glanced at the woman.

"You'll see once we cross over." The woman answered. Both of them crossed into a realm of light, a place where a team would be assembled, and a place where a new story would begin.

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