Chapter 2: SCP Breech and Rescue

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"Shall we go check on SCP 205112 and SCP 205112-B?"

"SCP 205112 is currently in a state of distress. We'll have to make sure SCP 205112-B is with her to keep her under control."

"What's the progress of securing the loose SCPs?"

"SCP-173 is properly back in it's containment room. Radical Larry on the other hand is still on the loose. The guards are still chasing him."

The two scientists walked past Teal's cell, with Teal watching them. As soon as they were out sight, Teal sighed and sat on her bed, placing her head in her hands. The voice of the girl who tried to save her the other night still echoed in her head.

"It's not supposed to end like this! I'm supposed to save you!"

"I only refused her help to protect her from me..." Teal muttered as she tried to justify her actions. Teal remembered that there was 4 other people with the girl, only they were outside of her cell. A younger girl with glasses, green eyes, light skin, and black and purple hair had held the girl back as the darkness took over.

The slide door of her cell opened and a cup of jasmine tea slid through. Teal got up and retrieved the cup before sitting back down on her bed. She sipped her tea as a small tear escaped her eye.

Teal finished her tea and set the cup back on the tray of the sliding door, where it opened and the cup slipped through the otherside of the cell door. Teal closed her eyes and began to softly sing a tune.

"I guess I have to face,
That in this awful place,
I shouldn't show a trace of doubt.

But pulled against the grain,
I feel a little pain,
That I would rather do without.

I'd rather be free



I'd rather be free



From here."

As soon as Teal finished her song, a loud alarm went off as dozens of guards ran past Teal's cell. Teal got up and walked up to her cell door to try to figure out what was going on.

"Attention members of the facility, we are now under a code pink and white. I repeat, we are now under a code pink and white." The intercom spoke as more guards ran past Teal's cell. "What's a code pink and white?" Teal asked herself. "I guess it must be this serious to have this many guards come this way."

A few moments of the alarm blaring and more guards running past her cell, Teal started to speculate what could be going down outside her cell. Suddenly the intercom went off again, "Oh god. Oh man." Teal began listen again. "I can't believe she was able to get past them..." Now Teal was interested and hesitant about the situation unfolding. Who was this woman that was able to get past the guards? And more importantly, how?

"Radical Larry, I hate to do this to you bud, but we have no choice. Take her down." The intercom brought Teal back to the present. The sound of rumbling and lights blinking occurred as Teal braced herself for the possibility of being sucked into Radical Larry's pocket dimension.


A woman in a white frilly dress with puffy brown hair had finished taking out at least more than a dozen guards. The flashing of lights and the sound of rumbling approached the woman until it stopped in front of her. A black shadow formed into Radical Larry himself and lunged at the woman. The woman drew her blade... and slashed Radical Larry, completely destroying him from existence. As soon as the shadow disappeared, she knelt down and put her sword away in it's scabberd.

"You're nearly there to my daughter's cell." The voice of another woman spoke in her mind. "Copernicus will come to you now to help you rescue my daughter." The woman got up and proceeded to walk out of the large room humming a soft, motherly tune.

Back at Teal's cell...

Teal was getting impatient. She had the restless urge to know whether or not if Radical Larry or the woman so mysterious was still in one piece. Teal glanced over at the small desk next to her bed and noticed that her stuffed dog Copernicus was not there. "Copernicus?" Teal began to panic, "You were right there just now, where did you go?!"

With the woman...

The woman continued to explore the facility, being curious at all the technology and passing by rooms. Eventually, she noticed two pieces of paper that looked like they had been dropped. The woman picked them up and read through them, her curiosity turning into a mind full of questions. "So this is your daughter huh Amara?" The woman asked aloud. "Indeed it is Doveria." Amara replied in Doveria's head. "Please, you don't really need to be that formal. You can just call me Dove." Dove said with a gentle smile. "Alrighty then." Amara said before the sound of barking was heard coming toward Dove.

Dove turned to see a stuffed dashound running to her with it's tail wagging. "Copernicus." Dove said softly as she ran over to the dog and sat down on both knees. Dove stroked the dashound gently as Copernicus wagged his tail. "Tabhair dom i Copernicus." (Lead me to her Copernicus.) Dove spoke, her voice replaced with Amara's. Copernicus barked in response as Dove got up and followed the alive stuffed dog to Teal's cell. They soon came across the locked door leading to her cell. "It's a code, but what is it?" Dove muttered. "725. Enter the number and you'll free my daughter." Amara said. Dove wasted no time entering the code and opened the door.

Dove walked in and saw Teal in her cell, all distressed and sorrowful. This sight made Dove feel sad for her, but she knew she had to save her. Using her magic, the cell door was knocked down and Teal's restraints were broken in a flash of light.

"W-Who's there?" Teal asked aloud as she backed away into the wall. A bark responded, causing Teal to glance at the floor to see Copernicus in front of her. Teal blinked in a mixture of shock and confusion, "Uh... did you bark just now? I mean- that's impossible unless-" Copernicus barked once again, his tail wagging, causing Teal to shriek a bit. "EEP! WHAT THE F-!"

"Language." Teal glanced up to see Dove outside her cell as her hand landed on the right side of the door frame. "Who are you?" Teal asked as she looked at the woman suspiciously. "My name is Doveria, but you may call me Dove." Dove said with a gentle voice. "Why are you here?" Teal spoke, "I don't deserve to be saved. I'll only hurt you. I-" "Teal, it's going to be ok. I know because I care. Take this moment as an opportunity to see in a new perspective. I can sense your suffering, so let me help you." Dove said as she walked over to Teal, her frilly dress swaying with every step.

Teal looked at the woman in complete surprise. "How do you know my name?" "That, I'll explain once we get to the Palace." Dove replied. "The Palace?" "Mmhmm, let me just call upon the portal real quick." Dove said as the sun mark on her right puffy short sleeve glowed a bright yellow. A white light flashed and a portal was now in the room, a few feet away from the two. "We'll be there I'll explain everything. Ok Teal?" Dove reached out her hand towards Teal and smiled.

A small smile formed on Teal's face as she took Dove's hand. Copernicus wagged his tail as he, Dove, and Teal crossed the portal to the Relam of Lan di journ. There, a leader would arise, romance will blossom, and friendship and the truth would prevail.

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