Chapter 3: A Peek of Life

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Hey guys! Before the chapter starts, I apologize for the hiatus. I've been on vacation in Puerto Rico and have also been working on my one shot book witch is also Hearts and Heroes related. I'll do my best to keep this book off hiatus and give you guys the lore and story you're here for.

Anyway without further ado, on with the chapter!









Teal groaned softly as she got out of bed and rubbed her eyes. She yawned in a tired manner as she stood up. Teal glanced around her bedroom, as she had a somewhat form of confusion in her mind. "I can't seem to remember what kind of dream I had last night." Teal muttered to herself before getting ready for the day.

After she was done, Teal exited her room and went to the kitchen where both her aunt Anna, and her uncle Liam, were both present. Anna was busy cooking breakfast as Liam sat in his chair, reading the newspaper. "Good morning Teal." Anna spoke in her soft tone, always seemingly sorrowful. "Good morning aunt Anna." Teal replied as she took her seat at the kitchen table. "How's studying for the upcoming exams? You have the potential to land in a good college." Liam said as he glanced up from his newspaper.

Teal nodded, "It's a bit tiring, but it's worth going to the library." Liam smiled before continuing to read his newspaper. Anna finished cooking breakfast before setting the plates down on the table. Teal picked up her fork and ate her breakfast with her aunt and uncle. Soon the food was consumed as Teal left the kitchen to brush her teeth before leaving the house to the library.

The library happened to only be a few minutes away, so walking from home wasn't a problem for Teal. She soon reached the entrance of the library and stepped inside. The library was usually quiet, as Teal went over to her usual spot and set up her books. She had also brought her phone and headphones so she could use them when needed to take a break from studying.

Teal sat down as she opened up one of her books and began to study. About 30 minutes later, Teal was done as she closed the book and put it to the side. She got out her phone and put on her headphones before opening up YouTube and starting to scroll through. She checked her favorite youtube channel known as Markiplier, to see if there was any new uploads from his channel.

Teal selected a video and watched, giggling occasionally but quietly since she was in a library. After finishing with the video, Teal received a text message from her friend Elliot.

Elli (Bestie): Hey girl! You excited for PAX?

Lil' Zorp: Yeah, I get a break from studying for all these exams.

Elli (Bestie): We all need a break :p We get to see our favorite youtubers :D

Lil' Zorp: That's true.

Elli (Bestie): Also my favorite song cover channel will be there along with my favorite animator/artist!

Lil' Zorp: Who are they?

Elli (Bestie): SparrowhawkCovers and DoveriaTheGoddess. They're both really talented and there's some speculation that they're both married.

Lil' Zorp: That's some tea- I'll go check out both their channels.

Elli (Bestie): Tell me what you think. TTYL

Lil' Zorp: I will. TTYL

Teal took to the search bar of YouTube and looked up SparrowhawkCovers. She found the said channel with 5000 subscribers. Below the channel icon was another channel known as DoveriaTheGoddess. Teal pressed the subscribe button to both channels, figuring that she could look at both their videos later.

Teal packed up her things and was about to get up and leave when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. On the floor under the nearby bookshelf, was a white book covered in dust. Teal reached down and picked up the book from under the bookshelf. She cleared away the dust to reveal the title of the book, only the title was in a language similar to irish, but Teal couldn't understand it. "Lan di journ?" Teal asked herself, "What does that even mean?"

Teal held onto the book as she checked it out from the library and made her way back home. When she got home, she went to her bedroom and set down her things. Teal sighed before doing her nightly routine by eating dinner, showering, and brushing her teeth. After she was done, Teal brushed her hair before yawning tiredly. She got into bed and glanced at the white book sitting on her nightstand. "I might as well see what it's about tomorrow." Teal said to herself.

She glanced at Copernicus, her stuffed dashound dog, who was on his shelf next to the nightstand. "Goodnight Copernicus." Teal said before she pulled the covers up. She then gazes at the framed photo of her parents and her 3 year old self sitting on her nightstand. "Goodnight Mom..... Dad.... I miss you both." Teal said softly before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.


"So tonight will be my first mission?" The girl with green eyes and hazel colored hair asked the white pegasi with a tri colored mane and tail of green, blue, and purple with golden armor as she led her. "Yes, however you will be paired up with another girl." The pegasi replied. "Who is she?" The girl asked as gazed at the pegasi. "You'll see once I bring her to the Palace from the forest." The pegasi replied, "Now go see Maid Marianne to start bandaging up."

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