Chapter 4

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He finally made a decision
He walked down, opened the door, stepped out and looked right in Changbin's eyes with obviously, red eyes from crying so much.

Changbin just looked at him, right in his eyes and slowly saw the younger about to cry again.

Without even caring, he pulled him in an embrace, Felix let it happen and started crying in Changbin's shoulder.

"Shhht.. don't cry Felix-ssi, you don't need to cry, nothing wrong happened" Changbin tried to make him feel better

"Y-You're wrong." Felix cried even more

"About what Felix-ssi" Changbin was confused

"Something wrong really did happen" Felix lifted his head up and looked at Changbin "We kissed" he said "And I asked for it.."

"A-And.. what's so wrong in that?.." Changbin asked

"We're sinners, we made a very painful sin. And I will probably go to hell.."

"Felix stop what are you talking about?" Changbin looked offended "Love is not a sin. And you will not go to hell because you kissed me"

"Not because of that.." Felix wiped one of his tears "I will go to hell because I like it."

"I like it too.." Changbin tried to embrace Felix but he reject him "It's not a sin-loving someone"

Changbin sighed "And if it's, then I will make more sins like that. Because no one will ever stop me being me" Felix was confused "Felix.. I am gay, I've been always gay."

Changbin pointed at himself "And this sinner loves you so freaking much. He loves your perfect eyes, your perfect fluffy cheeks and he always want to squish them" Changbin putted slowly his hand on Felix's cheeks "He also love your pretty hair who has a lovely smell of vanilla

Your personality who is like his, your thoughts who he always want to hear, even the silliest ones.. and last but not least..He is in love with your pretty, pink, sweet and tasty lips" Changbin putted his other hand's finger slowly on Felix's bottom lip "He really love these. And he wishes that he could taste them again soon"

Changbin looked at Felix seeing him red like a tomato "So do you want to risk with the sinner who is crazy in love with you?" Changbin came closer "I give you a clue. The sinner that I talk about is sitting right in front of you."

Changbin got even closer to meet Felix's lips again. This time the kiss was different, Felix felt different. For a moment he felt that he should do what he think it's good, not what people think it's 'good'. This time Felix had trust in himself. And he really likes feeling Changbin kissing his lips slowly and romantic.
After the perfect kiss ended, Felix said "Changbin.. I really wanna do this, I wanna risk with you, but I need time, this is all new to me. Will you wait for me?"

"Of course I will wait. If you need one month? I will wait If you need one year? I will wait, and I will wait even more for you, because that's love" Changbin said "I really love you, Felix"
Felix smiled at him "How about we have the sleep over tomorrow night?"

"Sounds great" Changbin smiled "Go to sleep Felix-ssi, you look so tired"

"I will" Felix smiled

"And please don't cry again" Changbin said to Changbin before he goes in into the house

"I will not hyung, not anymore"

"I didn't know our son is gay" His father said after the whole romantic scene ended

"I didn't know either. But this boy is so cute and romantic. Felix should accept his love declaration and go out with him" His mother said fangirl ing over the scene between his son and the black haired boy "Honey, he's coming inside, let's go" His mother said running with her husband back in their bedroom like they didn't stalk their son and they didn't saw him come out and kissing a boy

Felix walked inside and sighed, but smiling at the same time. He was happy, but also worried. 'What would people say?' 'What would my parents say?'

Felix's parents weren't homophobic. Yes, they did want the perfect life for their son, with the perfect wife and the perfect kids, because he is their only son, and they want the best for him. But if he is like that, they will accept him as he is. They know that if their son is happy, like himself, they are too.

But Felix thought his parents and close-minded. They say sometimes at dinner things like 'Do you have a girlfriend?' or 'What do you think about that girl from your science class?'

Felix walked upstairs, and throw himself in the bed without taking a shower or changing his clothes.

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