Chapter 16

526 10 3

Daylight // 5 Seconds Of Summer

Fall // The Vamps

Fireproof // One Direction (I cry)

I know I was meant to update yesterday but if I'm honest I was kind of procrastinating and being lazy so I'm super sorry about that, ily all though and thank you so so much for getting us to 3K+ it means so much and the supportive comments make me very happy, thank you once again, much love ~N


Niomi's POV

After our little shopping trip, I remembered what Louise had told me about Zoe and Alfie having issues.

After contemplating my options I decided to go to meet up with Zoe and ask.

After requesting to Louise to drop me off at Zoe and Alfie's house she pulled up and waved me a cheerful goodbye.

Alfie had answered the door and greeted me with a tight smile. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, the stress and sadness on him was prominent through his expression and bags under his eyes. He gave me a genuine hug and told me that Zoe was again, in her room.

I thanked him and made my way there.

"Hey, Zoe?" I asked after knocking on her door.

She sniffed a little signalling she might've been crying and muttered, "Yeah?"

"Can I come in?" I asked squeezing my eyes shut.

"Yeah, I'm a mess though." She laughed awkwardly.

I opened the door to Zoe cuddling her pillow with red eyes.

"What's wrong?" I question worriedly.

"Oh nothing." She replied dully.

"There has to be something wrong." I said sadly.

"It's okay, leave it." She sniffed.

"Please tell me Zoe." I smiled encouragingly.

"No it's okay." She repeated.

"Seriously you can tell me anything, what's wrong?." I pressed on, obviously pushing my luck.

"It's nothing okay!" She said more annoyed.

"Come on, tel-" I pestered before she bursted, interrupting me.

"You! That's what's wrong! I've been too busy worried about you that I got caught up and I forgot about my own boyfriend! That's 'what's wrong'." She yelled frustrated. After realising what she blurted out she stared shocked with herself.

"Wha- oh my god. I'm sorry. Zo-" I tried.

"Oh my- I'm sorry I didn't mean it. It's not your fault. I swear it's not." She cried wiping her eyes.

"Oh come here." I muttered while walking to her and pulling her into a hug. I rubbed her back, "I'm sorry." I whispered.

"No it's okay, it's my fault. It just all gets too much sometimes." She sobbed.

"I'm sorry." I apologised profoundly.

After a few minutes when she had calmed down, I released her from my embrace and she sighed.

"Zoe, please tell me what's really the matter between you and Alfie. I'm worried you know." I whispered assuringly.

"Well he's going on tour as you probably already know, and things just haven't been the same, I don't know if I personally can handle the distance and I think I've been p-pushing him away too much recently, it's not your fault though Nims I swear, I, willingly wanted to help you." She frantically hiccuped out.

"I feel so guilty, I'm sorry I know this is my fault." I sadly said.

"It's not, it's been going on a while but we aren't officially broken off, I think this tour might do us both good, you know? Some time away from each other; Some time to figure things out; Some time to think. When he gets back, you never know, we might be back to normal." She explained calming down more.

"I really do hope you guys work it out, It'll take all this guilt off of me." I sighed.

"Niomi I really didn't mean it like that I was just so frustrated, I bottled it up for weeks and I blamed it all on you, I'm apologise. This is all entirely my fault. I didn't have to be caught up with trying to help you when you clearly didn't want helping, I pushed my limit and it's not that, that is the only reason for this little rough patch we are going through, we both have our differences and now thinking of it, we can both sort it out." She convinced more to herself. I nodded reassuringly and we found our selves having a nice old girly chat like how we used to have before my life became a living nightmare.


"So I've gathered you all here, because as you all probably may well know, we have our Youtube Boyband tour coming up. I've found out the dates which is in the next two weeks." Jim cheered.

Little happy, encouraging cheers of 'great' or 'awesome' escaped most of our friends lips.

"Wait, I can't go with you guys Jim, I've gotten accepted in the best university in Brighton. I can't miss that." I told him truthfully.

"That's great Niomi, congratulations but I'm sorry I can't let you stay here alone I won't allow it and you know that." Jim informed me sternly.

"I'll be here though Jim." Zoe said.

"That's the worst part," he laughed "Your both not trusted alone but together just raises my worries."

"Come on Jim, shes old enough to look after herself." Tanya interrupted her fiancé.

"We'll see but for now you can consider it a yes." He sighed. "You better prove I can trust you though."

"I will. I promise Jim Bob. Thank you thank you thank you." I exclaimed hugging him tightly.




This is a VERY short chapter and I'm seriously sorry about it but me and ~Z need to discuss more about this and I'll be honest I'm kind of stuck on ideas also it's like 11PM and my brain just will not function after I was forced to do almost 4 hours of homework and assessment preparation *groans* sad times.

Well I hope you liked this filter sorry again that it's late ~Z might post early and a longer chapter to make up for my Lazyness 😂😂👌 but yeah thank you for reading and supporting us.

ILYSM never forget it.

~N (not edited so ignore errors)

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