Chapter 5

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“Come on babe, you’re going to be fine”

“No, I’m going to humiliate myself. Better yet, I’m going to embarrass you for having an embarrassing girlfriend”

“No, I know you can do it. Just trust yourself”

“Who told you that? I can’t sing. Wait, I have a throat ache so I can’t really sing. Maybe I should skipped it” I fake coughed

“Avril” he threatened

“Yes Hun?” I said seductively

“Stop trying to distract me”

“No I’m not. I’m really sick. I felt cold. Can’t you see, I’m pale” I pointed to my pale face

“Maybe a kiss would fix that” he kissed me before I could even protest

He pulled away as he asked “Now are we ready to go?”

I shook my head “I-” he kissed me again before I could even find another excuse

He pulled away again and I sighed “You’re not going to stop aren’t you”

He shook his head “You should know that after what happened yesterday”

Yes, yesterday, after we got out from detention, Ethan quickly grabbed Luke by the shirt as he cornered him and start interrogating him. I managed to pull him away and talked to him about it but he kept on saying bullshits about Luke just being a rebound and it’s only been like a few hours but I questioned him about Cynthia like how come he could get over me so easily in less than a minute.

Luke was pissed about it and before I could even threw a punch on his disgusting face that I once though as hot and sexy, Luke slammed him against the locker and they got into a fight. Luke managed to throw a few hard punches on him before he was taken away by the teachers. I was just standing there, laughing like mad at how bad Luke ruined his once pretty face. Cynthia just gaped at him before she strode off and brought him out of sight.

Well, he learns his lesson, not to mess with Luke, The Great Luke Hemmings. It was funny to watch him fought some huge jock just to defend someone like me, yet I’d understand that I’m his girlfriend and he felt the need to protect me and everything, but he do knows that I could kicked his ass myself. Hell, I learn kick boxing myself. Hah, funny, more like a rough fight with my brother, Joe.

I did brought Joe out to the yogurt shop and go watch some movies and everything with him, try to get his mind off of things as well as I am, but mostly on him, cause I already got myself a boyfriend, a freaking paranoid boyfriend who keeps texting me all night trying to make sure I was fine and everything, but mostly questioning me whether there’s been some stalker or any guy who’s asking me on a date or something and I have to convince him all night just so he could believe me.

Back to the present, Luke was dragging me into the music club which I heavily refused since I’m still scared about the fact that I have to sing in front of everyone, the music club’s member and I’m trying my best to give him my reasons, yet I still failed. I already thought of 10 crazy ideas that I thought might work but apparently, he sees through all of them. Damn it, why do I even went to school today anyway?

“Come on. Do I have to pick you up all the way to the music room now?”


“So come on” as he dragged me down into the music room

I sighed as I followed him inside and the room was now filled with students. Corrections, students and some few other teachers along with some jocks that I knew was a friend of Ethan. Damn it, this was really freaking me out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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