Chapter 2

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I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ears. I hit the old-fashioned alarm clock next to my bed. I sat up rubbing my eyes. Where was I? It took a while before I remembered where I was. I packed my things and left the room. I followed the rusting signs pointing to the dining room. My backpack hit against my back as I walked. I found Brian instantly; he was the only other person in the room. He was sitting in a wooden chair at a small silver table. I sat down across from him and started pouring myself some cereal.

"Morning." Brian said while reading a newspaper. "Morning." I replied.

About fifteen minutes later Wyatt sat down next to me. "Morning babe." he said. I shot him an exasperated look.

"How did you sleep?" Brian asked Wyatt. "Like a baby." he said "Well I didn't. You snore." Brian said.

"Sorry, but I can't be held accountable for anything that happens while I'm in bed." Wyatt said, winking at me. I scoffed and continued eating.

After breakfast Wyatt and I loaded the car while Brian paid the man at the front desk. Wyatt slid into the backseat next to me and we both listened to music. We had arrived late last night and I was still tired. The repetitive bump of the car on the road lulled me to sleep.

I woke up with my head on Wyatt's shoulder. I lifted my head slowly and blinked the sleep from my eyes. "Where are we? You should've woken me up." I said. "No, you needed the sleep." he said.

"Well thanks, I guess." I said while yawning. "We still have another four hours of driving left if you want to sleep." Wyatt said. I smiled and rested my head on the car window.

I woke up to someone shaking my arm."We're here." Wyatt said.I stepped out of the Volvo and caught my breath. We were parked at the bottom of a humongous mountain.

"Come on, let's go." Brian said herding us towards the line for Cable Car rides. "Why are we going up the mountain?" I asked. "I'll explain on the way up." Brian said. I followed the two men cautiously.

As we climbed in the Cable car, I knew something was not right. Brian had requested that no one but us be let in the car. Neither Wyatt nor Brian would look at me when we were in the cable car.

"What is going on?" I asked. "Margaret... your mom wasn't really missing. We work for her and were sent to fetch you." Brian said while Wyatt stared at the ground clearly uncomfortable.

"Why did you lie?" I asked. "It was just easier." Brian said, it wasn't a good excuse but I took it.

"Why are we going to the top of this mountain?" I asked. "We are catching a ride to where she is." Wyatt said.

"What do you mean catching a ride?" I asked. "You'll see." Wyatt laughed. Before I could ask another question, the cable car grinded to a halt.

I followed Wyatt and Brian towards the edge of the mountain. As we neared the edge I stopped. "Why did you stop?" asked Wyatt.

"I'm scared of heights." I looked at him incredously. "Well you can walk off the mountain if you like, I'll just stay right here." I said

"Oh we're not going to walk off of the mountain." he said. "Ah, here comes our ride." Brian said, walking towards three horses standing dangerously close to the edge.

"Horses? Where are we going to go on horses?" I asked. "Just hop on, we'll explain later." Wyatt said.

I weighed up my options. I then climbed onto one of the horses; a brown stallion with a white patch on his head. I hung onto the reigns, thanking every god and deity that I had attended some basic equestrian classes when I was younger. I turned around to see Wyatt sitting on a white and grey speckled horse.

"Come on, we are already late." Brian said. I rode behind them. As I got to the edge I froze.

"This is the hard part, it'll be over before you know it" Wyatt said. "I am not riding off of a mountain." I said.

"Where else are you going to go?" Brian said, looking at me threateningly. I sighed in defeat and rode forward again, expecting to go hurtling towards the rocks below. My horse and I plummeted. I closed my eyes.

Wind blew all around me. I opened my eyes only to come face to face with jagged rocks protruding from the shore.

"Holy shit." I screamt. My horse suddenly rose up, lifting me away from the rocks. I looked down to see a city below me. My horse was galloping on air. I looked up before my breakfast tried escape.

Brian and Wyatt were riding in front of me, if you could call what we were currently doing riding. The wind was buffeting against us and I couldn't hear a thing. My stomach was churning. We rode for a while. The sun began to set. The clouds were brush strokes of pink and yellow against the orange sky. The dark blue sea churned silently underneath us.

Brian and Wyatt started to speed up and I did the same. I clung on to my horse nervously. The city below was a blur and I felt nauseous. Brian muttered something as we flew over the ocean and suddenly we were not in the East Coast anymore.

MarthandiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora