Chapter 3

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"Welcome to Marthandia!" Wyatt said. I did not respond. The terror and anxiety of the past few minutes had accumaleted and I burst into tears.

As the tears subsided and my vision cleared I found myself looking at a landscape similar to the English countryside. There were quaint cottages here and there and the perfectly green fields seemed to stretch on forever.

The bright blue sky was dotted with perfect, white clouds. Though it seemed like the countryside had no end, in the distance I could see a city.

This city almost outshone the farms we were racing over. The buildings were normal buildings at first. When you got closer they started to shimmer, like jewels in all different shades. They took my breath away.

As we entered the city, people started to wave, while others frowned and carried on with whatever they were doing.

In the middle of the city stood the most beautiful building of all. It shimmered slightly like the other buildings but was much bigger. It was built like a palace. There were turrets and large windows, elaborate balconies and fast-flowing fountains. The whole building was grey and silver with ornate white detailing.

Brian and Wyatt landed their horses in front of the intricate iron gates closing off the palace and its gardens. I swiftly did the same. Brian and Wyatt nimbly climbed off of their horses while I tumbled off of mine.

They led me through the huge gates. The gardens were beautiful. Flowers of all colours bloomed and huge, green trees provided shade for the benches underneath them.

"Brian, what is going on here?" I asked. "Your mom will explain everything." Brian replied.

I was about to protest when what he had said sunk in. I was going to see my mother. My legs threatened to buckle underneath me and I felt like I was going to faint.

"Whoa, steady." Wyatt said, placing his hand on my arm. I shook his hand off and continued walking forward. We stopped at a large set of silver door: the entrance to the palace. I took a deep breath as I followed Brian inside.

We entered a large entrance hall. The furniture was old-fashioned. The wood was dark and polished. Velvet-covered couches and chairs were scattered across the room.

A large wooden desk was laden with alcohol bottles and glasses at the back of the room. The ceilings were high and had swirling designs pressed into them. Metallic curtains were draped at the sides of huge windows looking out onto the gardens.

I was led through the palace, past passages and large doors. We finally stopped at another huge entrance barred by another set of doors. The guards on either side opened them for us and I walked into what looked like the throne room.

Two silver thrones encrusted with crystals stood at the back of the room. Rows of woode  seats stood on either side of the room, similar to those of a courthouse.

Standing by the thrones were two women yelling at each other. One woman was elderly and looked like she was in her seventies. She wore a diamond crown on her head. Her hair was light grey, flecked with strands of brown. The other woman had long brown hair that flowed on either side of her blazer-clad shoulders.

"I can not believe you sent my agents out without my permission." the younger lady yelled. "I can send out whoever I want!" the elderly lady yelled back.

"Your majesty..." Brian started from the doorway.  "What?" both the ladies shouted, turning to face us. "We have brought her as you requested." Brian said turning to the elderly lady.

"Thank you Golding, you can go now." said the elderly lady.. They left, leaving me alone with the quarreling woman. My stomach sank.

"Mom, what did you do?" the younger lady said. "You'll see now dear." the elderly lady said.

"Come here for me, sweetie." the elderly lady said. I walked towards her slowly. "Hello, I'm Lily." she said, extending her hand. "I'm Margaret." I said, shaking her hand.

"I'm Beatrice." the other lady, Beatrice, said with tears in her eyes. "Mom, you didn't." Beatrice said, turning to her mom. "I did." Lily replied, crying as well.

"Oh, Margaret!" Beatrice said. She threw. her arms around me. She stepped away, smiling through the tears running down her cheeks. "I'm your mother." she said.


Soz this is such a short chapter it's sorta like a filler

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