Chapter 8

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I checked the time on my silver watch. It was eight o' clock. "Crap." I said. I quickly ran down the staircase and sprinted towards the dining room. I skidded to a halt outside of the dining room and fell on my butt. I gasped. All the air had been knocked out of me and my coccyx ached.

My mom stifled a laugh, and so did the boy standing next to her. I did not know who he was. He was tall, very tall. His hair was dirty blonde and was combed back. His face was chiseled and striking. His pink lips were turned up in a smile, his nose was slightly crinkled and his piercing green eyes were fixed on me.

The boy, who looked about Wyatt's age, bent down and helped me up. "Hi, my name is Shawn and you must be Princess Margaret." he said. I shook his hand and smiled. "Thanks for the help." I said, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Margaret, Shawn is Lord and Lady Green's son." my mother said. I studied his face. He did have his mother's eyes. Maybe they even used to look related before the botox. "It's time to go in. May I?" Shawn said holding out his arm. I shrugged my shoulders, looped my arm in his and we walked into the dining room together.

All eyes were on us. The whole dining room was speaking in hushed whispers and I had a feeling it was about me. I sat in the same seat I had sat in the previous night but this time a different member of the Green family sat next to me.

"I'm so glad someone my age is here. Whenever I eat at the palace I have to answer question after question from some mother who is trying to set me up with their bratty, gold-digger daughter." he said. I laughed. "Really?" I said.

"Yeah. It's pretty annoying." He said. "I'm so sorry, Mr Desirable." I said. He laughed.

"So, have you enjoyed your stay here so far?" Shawn asked. "Yes, it's beautiful here. The first day was a bit ove-whelming but I think I'm adjusting." I said.

"It must have been difficult coming to terms with all that new information. Did you really know nothing about Marthandia?" He asked. "Nothing at all." I replied.

"I heard my mother is going to be teaching you public speaking. I wish you luck. She taught me and it was a nightmare." He said. "Thanks." I said.

"I assume you're not just learning about public speaking. Do you also participate in combat training?" He asked. "Yes, I've only been to one training session though. I think I like sword fighting the most." I said.

"I love sword fighting and I'm not too bad if I do say so myself. We should practice together some time." I said. "Okay, that could be fun." I said. He smiled and I could not help noticing the way his eyes crinkled at the sides and how when he smiled he smiled largely and genuinely.

We spoke all the way through dinner. "You should see my mother just after she's been to the plastic surgeon. She looks likes something from a Tim Burton film." Shawn said.  I started laughing and so did he. Suddenly someone cleared their throat behind us. Shawn and I both turned around.

"Oh hi Wyatt." I said. Wyatt stood behind me and towered over Shawn and I. He was still wearing the same grey t-shirt from training. His sheath hung from his belt and his hand rested lightly on his sword's hilt.

"Hi Margaret, Shawn." he said. "Hi Wyatt." Shawn said. Neither boy sound very happy to see the other. "Margaret, can I talk to you?" Wyatt said. "Okay, sure." I said while getting up.

Wyatt stalked away quickly. "I'll be right back." I said to Shawn and then walked to where Wyatt was standing in the corner of the dining room. The light didn't reach this part of the room and Wyatt stood enveloped in the shadows.

"What is it?" I asked. "You look beautiful." Wyatt whispered leaning in closer. I rolled my eyes. "What do you need to tell me?" I said.

Wyatt looked hurt briefly, but then his face went back to a neutral expression. "I think I know where the necklace is."

"Really?" I said. "Well not exactly, I know someone who might know where the necklace is." he said.

"Wyatt, I know I said I would help you but I can't just drop everything and go looking for a necklace that might help you, or it might not." I said .

"I know. The Witch I found is in Marthandia, quite close actually. We won't have to travel that far." he said. "Okay, but we can't go tomorrow. I need to train." I said.

"Yes I know. We can go in a few days time." He said. "Okay, we can do that." I said.

"Thank you so much." he said pulling me into a hug. I was quite taken aback. "See you tomorrow." he said before walking away.

"Sorry about that." I said before sitting next to Shawn. "It's okay. I hope you don't mind me asking, but is Wyatt your boyfriend?" Sean said.

"My boyfriend? No, he's my trainer. I mean, I barely know the guy." I said. "Oh, cool." he said trying to sound nonchalant.

After a few minutes the guests started to leave. Lady Green waved her son over from the door. "Sorry, I have got to go." Shawn said. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

"Of course. Bye." Sean said waving as he walked away. I smiled and waved back.

I said good night to my mother and grandmother and I walked towards the large dining room doors. The guards bowed as I walked by and I grinned all the way back to my room.

I collapsed onto my bed. My mind was spinning, just like last night. I was starting to get used to Marthandia though.

Finally my exhausted limbs won and my eyes drooped. Sleep called me and I finally gave in.


Author's note:


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P. S. I do re-read and edit my chapters and holy shit ,my old authors notes make me sound so basic please ignore my annoyingness

And sorry this chapter was also really short

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