Chapter 5

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The dining room was about the same size as the throne room. Three long tables filled the room. Hundreds of white, crystal-encrust edchairs stood by the tables. Six giant, crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The tables were covered with white table cloths. Bouquets of multicoloured flowers were placed along each table. Platters of gourmet food were on the tables.

Posh, important-looking guests were dishing up. A short, pudgy man next to the door announced my mom and I.

"Her majesty, Queen Beatrice and her daughter, Princess Margaret." Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to watch us. I could feel their stares.

All the guests were dressed formally. I walked slowly to the end of the middle table where two unoccupied chairs stood right at the head of the table. My mother walked gracefully next to me. I stuck my hands in my pockets and avoided eye contact.

We sat down and I said hello to my grandmother who sat across from me. The lady sitting next to me tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around. I came face to face with the most botoxed lady I had ever seen. Her bleach blonde hair was pulled into a tight bun and her green eyes were studying me. She shook her head disapprovingly.

"Hello Margaret, I'm Lady Green" she said. "Hello Lady Green." I said.

"Aren't you just precious?" she said. She looked disdainfully at my outfit.  "I didn't know dinner was so formal." I said. I tried not to show my embarrassment.

"Oh, well there is always tomorrow night." she said. I smiled and turned to dish up a plate from the food in front of me.

After starters my mother addressed the crowd. "Good evening everyone. I'm sure you all know why I invited you for dinner tonight. My daughter, Margaret, has come to stay with us. For many years I hid her from you, but now she is ready for the role she has to play in Marthandia's future." my mothrr said motioning for me to come and stand next to her.

I got up slowly and walked towards my mother. Standing next to her made me feel so small. She was so important and powerful; two things I would never be.

The guests started to clap and shouts erupted from the crowd, I couldn't hear properly but I did hear something about a new Queen and Marthandia being saved from Salixa.

They were talking about me.

I was the new Queen.

"No." I said quietly. I turned around and walked straight out of the dining room. I heard footsteps behind me but I just quickened my pace.

I strode through several hallways. I opened the door near my bedroom. A full moon shone down, turning the gardens silvery-white. I turned around expecting to see my mother, but instead a panting Wyatt stood in front of me. 

"How the hell can you walk so fast?" Wyatt said. "Why did you come after me?" I asked.

"You looked pretty shaken up. I came to see if you were okay." he said. "Oh yeah, I'm totally great." I said, sarcasm dripping from each word.

Wyatt sighed."You know, most girls dream of being royalty." He said. "Maybe when they are five! I don't want this, any of this!" I said, my voice gradually growing louder.

"I thought you had figured this out already. I mean, you are the daughter of a Queen. But look, no one is asking you to do anything right now so you can calm down." Wyatt said.

"Do not tell me to calm down. You don't know me. You don't know what this is like." I said. "Whatever. I was just trying to help." Wyatt said. He turned around and walked through the ageing, wooden door. He slammed it shut.

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