Chapter Two; Reality

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~ Aubrey's Point of View ~

"Hi, welcome to Johns burgers, what can I get you?" I asked as I heard a vehicle pull up to the drive thru speaker.

"Yeah, can I get two large double bacon cheese burger meals?" The woman ordered and I tapped it through the system.

"Just two colas for those meals?" I asked and the woman agreed.

"That's twenty dollars and thirty five cents, drive through please."

The woman pulled up to the window and I smiled, reading out her order for her again and she nodded.

She payed for her meal and drove through.

"Aubrey, can you please come to the front?" My manager called and I closed the window, moving out to the front.

I heard Nick crying and I turned the corner, finding my manager; Anthony holding Nicks hand, a cloth pressed to his palm. Anthony's head snapped up and he pointed to the window.

"I need you to control all of drive-thru tonight. Just take orders from here and I'm going to close off the dining room, okay?"

"I have to get home——" I started, but he cut me off.

"I need you to stay back. Nicks cut his hand and I have to take him to the hospital. Cool?" He snapped, clearly stressed and I swallowed, nodding.

"Yeah. Got it." I answered and he turned to look over at Jay who was making burgers.

"Jay, you okay to run burgers by yourself?" He asked and Jay nodded, his eyes flickering from me to Anthony.

"Yeah, Brea and I've got it." He said and Anthony pointed at the window.

"Get the woman her meal and apologise for the delay. Offer her a free item off the menu for the inconvenience." He rushed and I turned, walking over to the window and opened it.

The woman looked up, looking super tired.

"Hi, I'm so sorry about the wait. Someone's hurt themselves. Would you like a free item off the menu for the inconvenience?" I asked and she pressed her lips together.

She shook her head. "I don't. But I'd like my meal as soon as possible."

I nodded. "I'll get that to you right now."

I grabbed her some fries, her drink and Jay brought over the burger. He eyed the woman before nodding at the register.

"Just give her a cash refund for the wait." He said and I went to open my mouth but he shook his head.

"Fuck Anthony." He simply answered and I laughed. He grinned.

I opened the drawer and pulled out the cash equivalent of her meal, putting it into an empty chicken nugget box and put it in her bag.

I opened the window and handed the woman her meal and drink. I smiled.

"I'm genuinely so sorry about the wait. I gave you your money back in cash. It's just in the spare box." I said and she gave me a closed lipped smile.

"Thank you."

She drove off and I pulled my head set back on, sighing. It was going to be a long night.


I piled the drinks into the cup holder, going to pass it to the boys in the car but one of the cups fell and I caught it, but it didn't matter.

The boy in the back laughed and I remained frozen as the cold liquid dripped down my front, soaking me.

I handed the driver the rest of the drinks. "Sorry, I'll grab you another thick shake."

The boy in front seat leaned across the driver, winking at me.

"I'd still enjoy it." He said and I didn't even know how to reply to that.

The window slammed shut and I looked up, shocked as Jay blocked the window.

"Are you okay?" He asked, genuinely concerned and I swallowed.

"Yeah, I'm good." I forced out and he stared at me, his eyes not dropping for a second.

"Go and clean yourself up. I'll finish up this order and then we can close, okay?" He said and I nodded.

There's a beep from the car and Jay shook his head. I held up my hand.

"I can finish—-"

"It's okay, Brea. Please go take your time cleaning yourself." He said, his eyes so calm and welcoming.

"Thanks." I mumbled and rushed off towards the bathroom.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I yelled, kicking the wall in anger. My foot screamed in pain but I couldn't get past the cold, sticky liquid that was currently dripping down my entire body and onto the tiled floor.

I ripped off my headset, placing it on the side of the sink and I looked up into the mirror. A sob left my lips. My once perfect bun had fallen to sit at the base of my neck, my chest just covered in chunks of cream and brown goo. My face fell into my hands as I cried for a few moments, before looking up at my reflection in the mirror.

"I can't do—" I hiccuped. "—do this."

I turned on the faucet, cupping my hands and caught the cold water in my warm palms, sending a chill down my spine. I gently washed the mess from the front of my clothes.

I wiped the tears off my face and took a deep breath. I dipped my head into the sink and dabbed my face, gagging at the smell of cigarettes and cheap soap that clung to the inside of the sink.

After taking a few minutes to try and hand dry my shirt with a paper towel, I gave up and made my out back to the break room and hung up my headset.

The door opened and Jay appeared, holding a bucket of soapy water. He paused and he bit his lip.

"I'm really sorry, Aubrey. Those guys were jerks." Jay apologised and I sighed, offering a weak smile.

"It's not your fault." I muttered and he scratched the back of his neck.

"I know, but it still sucks," He replied, placing down the bucket.

I watched as Jay opened his locker and ruffled through.

What the hell was he doing?

He pulled out a grey t-shirt, a look of relief on his face and I laughed.

"You just happened to have that shirt tucked away in your locker?" I asked, chuckling and he shrugged, offering it to me.

"I sometimes hit the gym after my early close shifts, so I like to keep a shirt lying around."

I eyed the shirt, giving him a nervous smile.

"It's clean though, right?" I asked, hesitantly and he laughed, tossing it at me.

"I'm a clean boy, Brea. Just cause I'm a guy doesn't mean I don't wash my clothes." He joked and I laughed, holding up the shirt.

"Thanks." I mumbled. I smiled down at the shirt for a while until Jay cleared his throat.

"Well," He announced, picking up the bucket from the ground and opened the door, throwing a grin over his shoulder. "I shall be scrubbing the kitchen floor, so once you're dressed, you can clean the grease trap."

He sent a wink my way as a horrified look settled on my face and he left the break room with a small snort. I bite my lip and I quickly get changed before going to join him.



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