Chapter Four; Algebra

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My text books hit the table with a loud smack, echoing through the quiet library and I froze, looking around to find everyone's eyes on me.

My face began to heat up as I quickly slipped into my seat and fumbled to open my maths text book.

It didn't take a genius to tell that this was my first time being in the library. I looked like a lost child. I'd never had to be in the library because I never had a problem with my grades until my mothers death.

I sighed. Algebra. Question one.

Find all rational zeros of P(x) =x3 - 7x + 6





The need to cry was urgent at this point. I was going to fail this so hard. I fell backwards into my chair, my chin toward the roof as I closed my eyes.

It's alright. Everything's going to turn out just fine.

"Are you okay?"

My eyes snapped open and I found myself looking up at a worried Jay, my heart jumping. I sat up straight in my chair and cleared my throat, turning to look at the three boys stood behind me.

"I'm fine," I responded, licking my dry lips. "Are you?"

This caused Jay to grin, the boys beside him giving me a puzzled look and I felt my face redden again.

"Adam, Tom, and I were just going to catch up on chem," Jay explained, his eyes twinkling as they drifted to the book in-front of me. "I didn't know we had an algebra test coming up."

I turned and closed the book, shaking my head.

"Oh, we don't. I, um," I started, blinking down at the book.

I turned and looked up to find the boys still watching me with their beady, little eyes. They were all extremely handsome. Which was even more unnerving.

"I've just fallen behind on a few subjects." I admitted and I almost laughed.

I really sugar coated that. Jay frowned and he came to lean over me, examining the text books I had piled up. He was so close I could feel the heat from his body and the sweet scent of his vanilla cologne.

"Just a few subjects?" Tom snorted and I sucked in a deep, anxious breath. Jay shot him a cold look before looking down at me with a softer expression.

"Did you want some help?" He offered, his voice gentle and calm, making my stomach feel weird.

I did need the help, but I couldn't bring myself to admit it to them. It was super embarrassing.

"I should be fine. But thanks for the offer." I declined and he watched me carefully, remaining an inch away from me.

I swallowed. This boy was incredibly alluring.

"Where's Dylan?" Adam spoke up, my eyes falling on his slender figure.

I scanned his flawless mocha glowing skin as he scanned the library. Another absolute heart throb. But I'd heard his charm was short lived after he was pleased between the sheets.

Everyone knew I'd dumped Dylan five months ago, and I think he was dating a girl in the year below now.

"We're not together anymore." I just answered anyways and Adam's eyes widened as he turned to Jay.

"Dylan Holmes lost the infamous Aubrey Jones?" He gawked. I don't know who he thought he was kidding, but I honestly didn't care.

"I should probably get back to studying." I said awkwardly.

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