Chapter Five; Study

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Jay pulled up outside my familiar gate and he parked the car, turning off the engine and I grabbed my bag.

"Here, let me help you." Jay said before climbing out of the car and rushing over to my side in record time, opening the door and scooping up all of my textbooks.

I blushed and slipped out of the car, closing the door behind me.

"I can carry—" I started with outstretched arms but Jay swiftly dodged my advances, holding the pile of books with ease.

"Let me help you at least to your door." He offered causing butterflies to flutter around in my stomach.

I checked the mailbox and grabbed the letters, probably all my bills. I unlocked the front gate and we walked up the steep driveway, sweat pooling my palms as I became anxious.

The house maintenance had been dropped after our mother's death. So it looked a little on the dirty side.

I spared a quick glance in Jays direction and found his eyes flickering across the unkept property, but I didn't see any judgement on his face.

I took a moment to quickly flick through the letters, bills, bills—-I paused.

We climbed the front steps and we turned to each other, a soft smile slipping onto Jays face as he held out my books.

"Here you go." He said as he slipped them into my arms and I gave him a grateful smile, heat flooding my cheeks.

"Thanks, Jay."

He nodded and shoved his hands into his school pants, biting his lip. It was crazy at how tight his school shirt and shorts were. His muscular arms and legs looked ready to tear right through the material.

His head tilted at me. "You know, I'm not doing anything. I could help you study?"

His repeated offer made my face flush red again. I didn't want him to be in the same house as my dad. Not that he really comes out anyways.

"I couldn't ask that of you, Jay. You've already done so much for me—-" I started but he put his hand over my mouth, his green eyes scanning my face.

"Brea, just let me help you." He said in a hushed tone and I felt my heart leap. I released a sigh and nodded my head.

His lips slipped into a lazy grin, his hand dropping from my mouth and he scooped the textbooks from my arms again.

"I'm a whiz with algebra." He mimicked Adam from earlier and I laughed, using my keys to unlock the door and I pushed it open.

The entry way was a mess, cluttered with coats and shoes, but as we stepped in further, the living room wasn't any better.

I flushed in embarrassment. "I apologise for the mess. We never have anyone over."

I quickly kicked Lucas's toy robot across the room and outta sight. Jay laughed as I bent down and collected the pages of colouring ins that Alia had been doing over the weekend.

"It's fine, honestly. Kinda looks likes a fun house." He mentioned and I swallowed, shoving the papers onto the stand by the couch along with my keys.

"Umm," I trailed off, looking around before pointing to the stairs. "We can study in my room."

"I'm not failing anatomy."

My head flew up, my mouth wide as Jay cheeks turned red and he laughed.

"I was just kidding, Brea." He said, and I looked away, embarrassed. But why did I feel disappointed?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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