Chapter Three; Nick's Garden

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I sang to myself quietly, scrubbing the bathroom floor.

There was this little corner in the mens bathroom that would always grow this thick patch of mould and it did my head in. I always had to aid to it immediately. But really, everything in the boys bathroom needed immediate aid.

I jumped when I felt a tap on my shoulder and I ripped my earphone from my ear, turning to find Jay standing behind me.

"Hey, I think that's enough for tonight." He said with a tired voice and I sighed in relief, smiling up at him.

"Thank goodness." I breathed out and he laughed, offering me his hand.

He helped me up and I thanked him, collecting the cleaning products from the ground.

"You're the one that's always cleaning Nick's garden?" He asked in shock and I frowned, looking up at him with confusion.

"Nick's garden?" I asked and he cringed, pointing at the corner I'd just spent twenty minutes scrubbing.

"Nick has a weird obsession with peeing in that corner because it goes mouldy and he tries to get it as big as he can but someone keeps cleaning it." He explained and I felt my stomach drop, bile rose in the back of my throat.

"Nick has been peeing there," I squeaked out, my mouth gone dry. "All this time?"

Jay awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and gave me a tight smile.

"He's uh..." He trailed off, my eyes rolling as I shoved him towards the door.

"Don't say another word. I'll barf."

He laughed at my words and we finished grabbing everything and returned them to their proper places before returning to the break room.

I grabbed my bag and work shirt, my eyes widening.

"Oh crap. I'm going to quickly go get changed out of your shirt--." I started but he cut in.

"No, it's fine. You can keep it." He offered and I frowned.

"I can't do that." I declined in a low voice and he smiled, swinging his keys around his finger.

"Trust me, it's cool. It looks better on you anyways." He complimented and I blushed, biting my lip.

We locked up the store and then Jay turned to me, running a hand through his hair.

"Is uh, someone coming to pick you up?" He asked, staring down at me with his innocent green eyes and I swallowed, shaking my head.

"Nope, I just walk home." I answered, tightening the straps on my backpack.

"What? You're not serious, are you?" He demanded and I laughed, waving it off.

"It's fine, really. It's not that far." I tried to justify but he shook his head, folding his arms across his chest.

"That is not okay. Here, let me drive you home." He offered. This time it was my turn to shake my head, giving him a small smile.

"Seriously, Jay. I don't mind walking." I replied, honestly.

"It wasn't a question, Aubrey." He stated and I frowned, feeling bad.

I'd already stolen his shirt. I don't want him to waste time and gas on me.

"Jay," I said, giving him a frown.

"Think of it as you repaying me for giving you my shirt," He said, unlocking the car. "Please?"

I laughed. "What's in it for you, huh?"

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