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Eight Moons Later
  Onefang watched as he and Gourgewhisker's three kits suckled on their mother.They decided on the names Tigerkit,Robinkit and Sunkit.They were the center of both Onefang's and Gourgewhisker's world.
  Spottedpelt and Finchwing-the new StoneClan Deputy- watched as Thrushbreeze talked to Rabbitfang and Cherryflower.Beetlewish had peacefully died in his sleep.

  Briarwind and Birchblossom walked over to Gourgewhisker and Onefang."Thank you!"Briarwind cried."For what?"Gourgewhisker asked.
"For helping us get over Tigerpaw,"Birchblossom said,her dark brown eyes sadly remembering her brother.
"No problem,"Onefang said.Gourgewhisker nodded.Sunkit wriggled around slightly.Ivyleaf put him back into place.
  Pattie watched Po,Tina and Ian walk around the abandoned barn."Look,Mum!"Ian said,Tina carrying a mouse behind him.

"WOW!"Pattie said.She was happy she had taken the kits as her own.

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