Times up

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Time went on since then. Months have passed. The Kamski family treated me like I was a sibling, a part of the family. We would constantly play around and have fun, while sometimes we did have our serious moments, but the best part about it is that nothing changed. We all treated each other the same. Yes, we fuck up some times but that's just a part of being alive. We cared for each other there was no tomorrow and I thought everything was great until... Time was up.


"Yo, Elijah! Open up!"
Gavin Reed was standing outside of Elijah's door, his nose and fingers red from being cold and his hair in a wild mess.
The middle-aged man slipped his fingers through his nappy hair, slicking it back as a loud and unsettling sigh escaped his lips.

He yelled banging on the door once again, sounding really fed up at this point.

On the other hand, Elijah was panicking. He quickly turned off his computer and hid all the evidence he had in his lab that made any conclusion that 60 was there. He took a quick look in the mirror to make sure he didn't have any thirium on his face before running into his bedroom where the girls and 60 was. He stopped for a second looking at them confused a little. The girls were playing with 60's hair and he obviously wasn't enjoying it.

60's yellow led turned red as he watched the slightly taller male bust into the room. He looked at him confused. 
Elijah nodded his head slightly as another loud bang came from the angry detective at the door.

"W-who is that!?" He whispered,
Slightly walking towards the door of the bedroom and looking around the corner to the entrance.

"That's Gavin Reed...he's a detective for the Detroit police..." Elijah answered as he struggled to push the android back into the room.
"You've got to hide somewhere"

"But where" one of the chloe's asked before a loud band echoed the house.
"For fuck sake Elijah!?"
Gavin yells. He kicked the door open and stormed in, dropping his cigarette and stepped on it as he walked in.

Elijah pushed them into the room and shut the door as he quickly walked over to Gavin.
"H-hey Gavin how's i-"
A low growl from Gavin cut him off as he gulped a little placing his hand on Gavin's shoulder.
"Are you alright"

"Phck No! I've Been On This Damn Case Ever Since The Fucker Nearly Killed My Friends And I And I Still Got Nothing. I've Tried Everything. I Asked As Many People As You Can Imagine Every Single Person That Would Be Remotely Connected To This Android And I Still Got Nothing. Amanda Is The Only Bitch Who Has Information But She's Too High On Red Eyes To Even Breathe Correctly!"

Gavin growls louder as his bails started to dig into his head, His teeth gritting.

"Well have you ever thought that it might not be the Androids fault?"
Gavin glared at Elijah as his sarcastic laughter filled the room.
" Are you fucking crazy? This thing nearly killed my friends and now you're expecting me to say it's not his fault for shooting up the dpd!?"

" All I'm saying is that don't you think it would be strange for cyber-life to be okay with the government making deviants legal after everything they've been through to make them illegal. Who knows, they could have corrupted it's system or even worse put a bug in it. I'm just saying it's not human it's a machine things can happen to machines that can't happen to humans."

The room went silent. Elijah nearly bit his tongue as he realized that he fucked up. Gavin slowly made his way to Elijah, his face was only inches away from his as a small smirk appeared on his face.

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