Chapter Four

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Nothing positive ever awaited him in a meeting with Satan. Belial took slow steps around the corner into the Prince of Hell's large office.

As expected, Satan waited for him at the top of the circular table. Bael and Mammon were not in sight. This would be about something personal. Belial paused at the opposite end of the table and gave a short bow, peering up at Satan through strands of his sandy blond hair.

Satan had his black wings stretched to their widest and tallest, an attempt at displaying superiority. Comparing wing lengths was much like the mortal practice of measuring their male-specific body parts. Belial did not bother to unfurl his wings. He knew the action would be taken as an affront to Satan's status, regardless of whether his wings were bigger.

"Well, Belial," Satan said, "I am wondering how you are getting along now that your best friend is gone."

Belial knew who he was talking about. "My best friend?"

"Of course. His brother came and carried him away. I have not seen you since then." Satan smiled. Of all the beings in Creation, there was only one who wore smiles more false than Satan's. Fortunately, that one being was Belial.

"I have been preoccupied," Belial said. "My attentions have been centered on a particularly enticing fallen of whom I have taken notice. That is all."

"Really?" Satan raised an eyebrow. "I should like to meet this fallen, who has absorbed all of my adviser's attention."

"As you will," Belial said, although there was irritation plain in his tone.

"You will bring her to dine with us in a week's time," Satan said. Satan and Belial never dined together. Belial was not even sure whether Satan did dine. "What is her name?"


"A beautiful name." Satan chuckled. "Be sure she dresses just as beautifully. I will expect nothing but perfection from the consort of my most reliable counselor."

"Of course." Belial bowed stiffly and walked out of the room without asking whether there was anything else Satan wished to discuss. Satan only smirked and settled into a chair, considering this latest development and how he could best exploit it for his own benefit.


It had been some time since Bael had last seen the Breach. He would not enter it, of course; inside were terrors that even Bael could not stomach. At the time, when Michael had torn out the Breach to contain the demons who had been causing trouble of all kinds across the Earth, Bael had been surprised that the archangels would concoct such a plan for their containment, and even more surprised to learn that Raphael, the Healer himself, had designed the horrors and tortures himself.

There was no real reason for his visit aside from wanting to see the Breach in person, and to observe its manner of management. The Breach would have fallen out of use if Gabriel's plan had succeeded, which, as Bael understood it, had been Gabriel's intention; that plan had failed, sparing the city the demons had been held in but also resulting in their return to the Breach. There were fewer demons escaping these days, as Raphael had increased the tortures and Michael had double-sealed the Breach closed. There was only one entrance and exit, and it was carefully guarded.

"Who goes there?" the guard asked him, spreading his grey wings as though issuing a threat.

Bael looked upon the figure and chuckled. "I remember killing you."

Augustiel stepped into the sunlight. Although Bael remained shrouded in shadow, Augustiel could now see the archfallen's ugly form, very much in its toadlike aspect today. "You did," Augustiel spat. "You're partially responsible for this. You and Gabriel."

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