In Action

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"King would you stop moving, I can't hold the rifle right." hissed Gambler.

"Oh my gosh you don't need the rifle you should've gotten a pistol you really need to start listening to me," King muttered back

"I don't need to listen to anything that you say." Gambler responded with annoyance in his voice.

"Both of you shut up! This mission is simple all we have to do is get rid of Colin. Then we go quietly." whispered Blue

Gambler argued," And we can take him out with the rifle."

"What part of quietly don't you get? Listen we split up you two take the West and East roof take out all the agents there this will make it easier to get Colin without any interference. I'll take South ground on my signal we surround him. Take out anyone quietly." Blue commanded. The boys nodded their heads in compliance and they all left to their proper base.


King took the west roof and surveyed the area noticing it was three guards. He went to the first one and snapped his neck, then put the body on the edge of the roof. However, the issue came when two guards noticed him and walked up to him crowding him to the edge making it nearly impossible for him to move out of the way.

"Are you lost?" The first guard asked him.

King sighed, "Nope I am in the right place."

"Leave here and you won't get into any trouble." stated the second gruff guard.

The two burly men approached, and King reacted. He punched one in the chest and held him by the throat while kicking the other's gun out of his hand. King then pushed the one he was holding off the roof, then preceded to punch the other guard and then he kneed him in the chest and slammed his body into the cold roof so hard that the back of his started to bleed out.

"Well, that was easy." King laughed at the lifeless body before following the winding path of the roof.


Blue was in the building going around slowly and carefully, making her way behind a wall because three huge men were blocking her way. She grabbed three knives and drew her arm back let go as each of her knives made their way into the heads of her targets. She walked each of her targets and tucked them away behind the wall she had previously left. She was walking away when she heard a voice that made her stop dead in her tracks.

"Well, well you know if you are trying to get rid of bodies you should try doing it a lot faster." laughed a womanly figure behind Blue.

Blue whipped around eyeing the figure, reaching behind her back for a blade.

"Who are you?" Blue addressed sternly.

"A guard here to get rid of you since my colleagues here couldn't do it." The mysterious figure started maliciously.

The mysterious woman charged at Blue, sprinting at full speed until Blue drew the blade and the woman mistakenly ran into it chest first. The lady groaned and blood spilled out of her mouth.

"Shhh, shh, just fall just fall," Blue whispered in her ear. As if the lady could still function she complied and fell on the ground finally letting death overtake her. Blue stood over her taking the knife out admiring her handiwork.

"Pretty but stupid." Blue thought. Blue then continued to walk through the building looking for the perfect spot to give her signal.


"Do it quietly, ha they don't have any faith in me. I am the gun master in this family. I know what I am doing. You know what I can take out Colin by myself." Gamble rambled.

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